Run your car with water


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
The car will still burn fossil fuel friggin technology. The hydrogen is just an assist.

You're the one not getting it.
It takes a lot of electricity to make Hydrogen. The more load you place on a car's alternator the more power the engine has to apply to turn the thing = LOSS OF MILEAGE.
Read the popular mechanics article. Assuming the unit can provide a steady supply of hydrogen your run of the mile engine is not tuned to take advantage of the hydrogen. Running an engine that lean under normal conditions will cause a spike in Carbon Monoxide emissions. If you reprogram the ECM to lean out the mixture you are still dealing with the fact that even if the system was 100% efficient the additional pull on the alternator will likely eliminate any gain in mileage.
If you don't believe it takes power to run a alternator grab some jumper cables and hook your car up to a dead battery with your engine idling.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
The amperage output of a modern alternator is not fixed. It's variable. If what you are saying is true then all you would have to do for increased MPG is get a smaller alternator.
Dude, dudette, whatever...I was simply trying to help the OP out with the question and jerks like you and some others here take it to a different area completely and ---- it all up.
Go ---- yourself and be happy in the rest of your pathetic life....


Active Member
I think someone is upset they were proven wrong...
I dont think the subject ever got off track.....till now.

bang guy

Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
I refrenced it.....I think not my friend. Grabbin' at staws now aren't you.
Was there some kind of link in my post?
Go look at the post yourself, you were referencing the 4$ cost of going 30 - 40 miles using Hydrogen in a Fuel Cell car.

bang guy

Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Dude, dudette, whatever...I was simply trying to help the OP out with the question and jerks like you and some others here take it to a different area completely and ---- it all up.
Go ---- yourself and be happy in the rest of your pathetic life....

if you really want me to.


Active Member
After reading up on this stuff I think it could be possible to make a system for a gas engine car using mass produced Hydrogen stored in a small tank. Not really viable unless there is a source for refilling the tank. Dunno how available the stuff is. Not sure if it would get past the EPA or not. Sounds like the engine has to be ran super lean to really work.


Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Nel621, I apologize dearly for trying to answer your question. This has gone way off the path you were asking about.
I thank you and everyone else for their input.I really didn't think this post would generate such much discussion.But I'm glad it did.I am trying to find a link that was sent about running a car with gas and HHO.As soon as I find it I'll post again.There is alot of info on gas cars running in conjuction with HHO.


Active Member
Wow, I'm sorry but anyone should be able to tell that's bogus just by looking at their site. Reminds me of one of those shows you see on TV at 3 AM.
If it sounds too good to be true, it is.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
After reading up on this stuff I think it could be possible to make a system for a gas engine car using mass produced Hydrogen stored in a small tank. Not really viable unless there is a source for refilling the tank. Dunno how available the stuff is. Not sure if it would get past the EPA or not. Sounds like the engine has to be ran super lean to really work.
They have, check out the my links I posted in this forum. I think the second one has a link to the car.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
I think we need to invest more in studies for fusion power plants. Fusion is greenhouse friendly, much less risk than nuclear fission plants, and the sea has enough source of isotopes to power us for 150 billion years.
Problem is we dont know how to harness it yet.
Actaullly we do, but can only maintain it for a few seconds. I watched a tv program about it, and fusion takes a "sick" amount of heat to begin the process... Something like 2 million degress Farhenheit. Essentially fusion is the same energy that stars or the sun use.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Actaullly we do, but can only maintain it for a few seconds. I watched a tv program about it, and fusion takes a "sick" amount of heat to begin the process... Something like 2 million degress Farhenheit. Essentially fusion is the same energy that stars or the sun use.
Well, while we are trying to figure out fusion energy I guess we are stuck with burning dino bones...


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
And people say you moderators don't take personal requests

It seems like this was taken too far. Why would you support the banning of a GOOD member??There is absolutely nothing wrong with a good argument!! Not that either party was acting civil, but there is no reason this couldn't be resolved within pm's. I respect both Shark and Grouper and wouldn't wish the absence of either of you. Please reconsider


Active Member
Originally Posted by coraljunky
It seems like this was taken too far. Why would you support the banning of a GOOD member??There is absolutely nothing wrong with a good argument!! Not that either party was acting civil, but there is no reason this couldn't be resolved within pm's. I respect both Shark and Grouper and wouldn't wish the absence of either of you. Please reconsider

Whoa up there little buddy.
I wasn't lending my "support" to the guy being banned, just pointing out he got what he asked for. A little late to settle it in a PM once the guy called out and insulted a moderator in the thread. Hopefully it just turns into a time out.