Saltn00b's Multi-Phase Upgrade Diary!


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the original sump is for sale here


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bump, im still here.
putting the funds together for the lighting upgrade. still looking for ideas or plans on the canopy build.
I have my first baggy of cheato sitting next to me at my desk, after a week of travel, i am hoping its ok to put in my tank, does anyone know?
i have 50 LBS or LR coming to me this week, and i am gonna put it in the QT tank to cure. cure time will give allow me the time i will need to make adjustments to the CLS work that is already in place. the plan is to cap off the CLS bulk heads, drain what is in the tubes, cut out the existing Tee, and replace it with an enlarging Tee that opens to a 2" diameter to reduce any risk of stress on my future DART's intake.


Active Member
well i guess i now officially have a refugium! :jumping: :happyfish :jumping:
Cheato has been added : it looks like its alive.
i noticed a lot of the little strands quickly found their way over the baffles and up into the DT :scared:
my DT has a green tint when looking from the side, which i am hoping is from the new addition and will dissappear over time and with the help of carbon or maybe chemi pure or something along those lines.
so now i have a whole bunch of hair length cheato strands floating around the DT... i guess if i see big balls start to grow i will pluck it out. not sure if there is anything else i can do?? do any fish eat it?



Active Member
i think i am going to put egg crate at the end of the fuge to catch the cheato, and the sponges in the baffles . i might have to take apart the lil giant to clean it out before the cheato builds up in it - anyone ever have this problem?


Active Member
sponges will def. prevent the chaeto 2 go over the baffles, but it will also slow the waterflow somewhat.
instead of eggcrate, some sort of chicken wire might work better. smaller holes than eggcrate, and won't slow down water flow like a sponge.
just my .02


Active Member
nice work. what size is your tank again. 150 gal? too bad you werent looking for a canopy a little shrter. I have one for a 150 that sits 5 1/2 inch off the tank. Its just sitting in my garage. wish i could find someone close that needed it. I'd let them have it cheap.


Active Member
can you post pics of it teresa?
and chicken wire has some pretty large holes from what i have seen. also, wont there be problems with metal leaching?


Active Member
yea that is similar to what i have, i am going to need to build one that will have an opening top that can support the aquactinic hood, and tall enough in the back for the CLS piping to come in


Active Member
well at some point i had come across some faulty research and plumbed the 1st half of the CLS incorrect for a Sequence Reeflo DART that has a 2" intake.
so here is the plan as my new 55 lbs of LR cures , and it is still relatively easy to access the bulkheads. I am going to unscrew the strains, and screw on some the bulkhead caps. then cut out the Tee structue that exists currently, (first pic) and then make the following changes, with 2 unions so the whole new structure can be slid in and out of place, otherwise there would be no way of reconnecting it.
please chime in with any ideas!!
also lighting update: i have the aquactinics 72" constellation unit on hold for purchase next week when i get my replacement credit card in the mail. (little fraud episode, all is well)



Active Member
That seems like it should work. I'm kind of curious on the connection of the bulk head. Will it directly connect to that elbow. It may be inpractical, but you might consider sticking a valve there so if you ever have to change it you don't have to drain your whole tank but can shut off the valve to move the stuff. (that is the return for your closed loop right?)
You had your wallet stolen too? I lost everything. I just now got the replacement cards back so I can go finish up my sump.


Active Member
no wallet was not stolen hehehe
actually what is plumbed is the drain for the CLS. the return will be a manifold set up at the top of the tank. that is glued in place right now, but any further work can be done by what i am going to do , by capping off the BH's. heh its a pain, but i should never need to do that again.
I have attempted to add a plastic screen to my homemade cheato trap. pics coming soon. i cant tell if the cheato is doing well or not at this point.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
I have attempted to add a plastic screen to my homemade cheato trap. pics coming soon. i cant tell if the cheato is doing well or not at this point.
