Should College Students Be Allowed To Carry Weapons???


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
OK, I got a question.
These people had stolen your car
They attempted to stop you from taking it back
They showed up at your house for whatever reason so they obviously knew where you lived which is where I assume they grabbed your Caddy.
What have these people been charged with?
Only poor judgement I think you showed was not being armed when you took your car

I pay to have my vehicles insured and if they were stolen I'd get a new one. Again, it's a material item and I'd never put my life or anyone eles life in danger for it.
I guess if it had been you, you would have been happy to murder a couple of people over a car? I can see if it's your child or loved one but not a car.
All he had to do was call the cops and let them know where the car was and allow them to do their job instead of taking the law into his own hands.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I pay to have my vehicles insured and if they were stolen I'd get a new one. Again, it's a material item and I'd never put my life or anyone eles life in danger for it.
I guess if it had been you, you would have been happy to murder a couple of people over a car? I can see if it's your child or loved one but not a car.
All he had to do was call the cops and let them know where the car was and allow them to do their job instead of taking the law into his own hands.
If my property was stolen I would recover it as I called the cops, insured or not. If I was recovering my stolen property and someone decided to take issue with it my property would remain in my possession. Whether or not they were "murdered" (committed suicide is a more approapriate term) would be soley up to them. If the lowlife was stupid enough to challenge the owner of the car they stole killing them would be considered a public service.
Yes I would kill someone in a heartbeat over a material possession if they were trying to take it away from me. I wouldn't kill them because they took it. I would kill them because they were trying to take it from me. That is my right, you want to just let people take your stuff more power to ya, thats your right.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I pay to have my vehicles insured and if they were stolen I'd get a new one. Again, it's a material item and I'd never put my life or anyone eles life in danger for it.
I guess if it had been you, you would have been happy to murder a couple of people over a car? I can see if it's your child or loved one but not a car.
All he had to do was call the cops and let them know where the car was and allow them to do their job instead of taking the law into his own hands.
It is the insult of stealing more than anything in my mind. Again assuming the accuracy of the said story, I'd go take it back, clearly the police are inept.
I used to work retail, I've had several thousand dollar items ripped out of my hands then they ran out the store. I've called the police given them accurate descriptions of the truck license numbers ect. For it to never be recovered, once I was holding this one guys license. Never got the stuff back, nor were arrests made. (and this is was a small town not like they had much else to do) If it was my product being stolen, I'd have taken care of it myself. And called them after the fact.
BTW it sounds like your lawyer thinks he is going to make TONS of money off of you. You probably should hire another lawyer to look at the first lawyers stuff to make sure if you don't win that he can't bill you for his expenses.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Yes I would kill someone in a heartbeat over a material possession if they were trying to take it away from me. I wouldn't kill them because they took it. I would kill them because they were trying to take it from me. That is my right, you want to just let people take your stuff more power to ya, thats your right.
That explains what I wanted to say earlier.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
...I guess if it had been you, you would have been happy to murder a couple of people over a car? I can see if it's your child or loved one but not a car. ...
I'm guessing they weren't trying to lock him in so that they could have a Tea Party....
We're talking border town here Jmick.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I'm guessing they weren't trying to lock him in so that they could have a Tea Party....
We're talking border town here Jmick.
If he knew it was going to be a dangerous situation I'd think he'd have enough common sense not to put himself into harms way over a car. Look, I have no problem with someone gaurding what they own but there is common sense and this whole situation is devoid of it. He put himself at risk, the community and his own child. A material possesion is not worth it and I find it sad there are those who feel an insured vehicle, which you will have replaced, is worth risking life over.
My job takes me to some of the worst parts of Chicago and the Chicago land area and I am very aware of my surrounding at all times. If someone were to attempt to carjack me without a gun there is no way they'd get my vehicle but if they were to approach my car with a gun I would give them the car; my life is worth a lot more to me then my car. Even if I had a concealed weapon I'd be hesitent to pull it if they had their gun drawn first.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
If he knew it was going to be a dangerous situation I'd think he'd have enough common sense not to put himself into harms way over a car. Look, I have no problem with someone gaurding what they own but there is common sense and this whole situation is devoid of it. He put himself at risk, the community and his own child. A material possesion is not worth it and I find it sad there are those who feel an insured vehicle, which you will have replaced, is worth risking life over.
My job takes me to some of the worst parts of Chicago and the Chicago land area and I am very aware of my surrounding at all times. If someone were to attempt to carjack me without a gun there is no way they'd get my vehicle but if they were to approach my car with a gun I would give them the car; my life is worth a lot more to me then my car. Even if I had a concealed weapon I'd be hesitent to pull it if they had their gun drawn first.
I wouldn't worry about it Jmick,Its illegal to buy,sell or own a handgun in the city of Chicago.
I cant wait till the Supreme Court makes their decision.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
I wouldn't worry about it Jmick,Its illegal to buy,sell or own a handgun in the city of Chicago
It's usually not something I think about, I just make sure my doors are locked at all times.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
If he knew it was going to be a dangerous situation I'd think he'd have enough common sense not to put himself into harms way over a car. Look, I have no problem with someone gaurding what they own but there is common sense and this whole situation is devoid of it. He put himself at risk, the community and his own child. A material possesion is not worth it and I find it sad there are those who feel an insured vehicle, which you will have replaced, is worth risking life over.
My job takes me to some of the worst parts of Chicago and the Chicago land area and I am very aware of my surrounding at all times. If someone were to attempt to carjack me without a gun there is no way they'd get my vehicle but if they were to approach my car with a gun I would give them the car; my life is worth a lot more to me then my car. Even if I had a concealed weapon I'd be hesitent to pull it if they had their gun drawn first.
It isn't about the material possession as much as it is the other person violated you.
Personally, I've decided this is the best way to gets the police's attention. I would have stopped and called the police. Then inform them I'm holding my gun, you have 2 minutes to get to the scene or I'm going to go recover my car on my own. Your time starts now. And stay on the phone with them, when they don't show up. Say ok I'm walking over their now. I have to hang up to properly hold my gun. And walk in.
Did the guy ever get arrested for stealing a car?


New Member
Fats71;2578243 said:
I am like why are you taking my pic and he says " I wanna know who I'm going to kill) my son was next to me.
I don't think you were unjustified in your actions. See if it were me I would better do it now otherwise you will not leave standing. Trust me, I will back that up. Hope everything gets resolved for you and those morons get what they deserve...sooner or later.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Why in the world would anyone be foolish enough to risk their life or another life over a stupid car? I can only assume you are insured and if you knew where the car was then why didn't you call the cops and let them take care of it? What would have happened if you hit a child while driving 120mph back to your house? What a foolish thing you did and to think you did it with your child around. I think you should be prosecuted for poor decision making and should be fined heavily. I'm surprised anyone would come on a public forum and admit such poor decision making. You're lucky no one was killed.
My son was not with me when I got into my car. It was stolen by a corrupt tow company. I went to the police to file it stolen after wee called all tow services and everyone including the one that had it said nope never seen it before... The police call around and see it there and tell us where it is. I call the place for the second time after they told the police on the phone they had it for 2 days ( was 4 hours ) We told the police everything they said tghey would not go there or do anything go pay it and then goto court for your money back. My wife and I and son were all in my jeep with the top off. we go get the money out of the atm 280 bucks which the police said tops it can only be 150 but hey they are corrupt ( most cars get sent to Mexico much sooner they just had mine alittle too long) we call them they said they were not there to wait. We pull in the gate is open I walk to the car and see our for sale sign in the window with our names and phone number on the sign in the drive window plain view. I then look over and my wife and son are hauling butt out of the gravel lot with people chasing them I'm like wtf they are screaming inn Spanish and then come after me. I was told they were not there yet. I open the car door lock it and sit inside no gun in it as it was for sale in my driveway... they start getting closer and i freaked and left whilst calling pd on my cell. My son was not with me but if he would have been I woulda flown like the wind baby. Then he showed up at my home....
Originally Posted by Jmick

I pay to have my vehicles insured and if they were stolen I'd get a new one. Again, it's a material item and I'd never put my life or anyone else life in danger for it.
I guess if it had been you, you would have been happy to murder a couple of people over a car? I can see if it's your child or loved one but not a car.
All he had to do was call the cops and let them know where the car was and allow them to do their job instead of taking the law into his own hands.
The police told me to go get my car and they would not do a civil issue...
Originally Posted by stdreb27
It is the insult of stealing more than anything in my mind. Again assuming the accuracy of the said story, I'd go take it back, clearly the police are inept.
I used to work retail, I've had several thousand dollar items ripped out of my hands then they ran out the store. I've called the police given them accurate descriptions of the truck license numbers ect. For it to never be recovered, once I was holding this one guys license. Never got the stuff back, nor were arrests made. (and this is was a small town not like they had much else to do) If it was my product being stolen, I'd have taken care of it myself. And called them after the fact.
BTW it sounds like your lawyer thinks he is going to make TONS of money off of you. You probably should hire another lawyer to look at the first lawyers stuff to make sure if you don't win that he can't bill you for his expenses.
He wants to sue everyone for false arrest, stealing my car, blah blah blah.. I just want my right to carry back and this crap gone and never go back to "Texaco" or the United states of Mexico whatever you wanna call it..
like I said should not have even put it on here just got caught up....


so the tow company pulled into your driveway and towed your car for no reason?


Active Member
Originally Posted by scorpiojkd
so the tow company pulled into your driveway and towed your car for no reason?
I've heard stories like that here in socal. They just back up to it and load it on the rollback. Gone in a matter of a minute or so.
They steal catalytic converters from parking lots, too. They roll under a toyota 4runner, whack the pipe and run off with your cat. Cat's can run $1000 on some of the newer cars.


Active Member
too boot if you Read earlier when the police had it towed again it was the brother of the original company and they made my wife pay over 550 dollars.. She picked it up 1 hour after they took it the second time... Someone sure had friends and it was not me. We just had moved there we knew no one and I never left the house as I worked from home... I would go into my backyard and sit in my hammock and mow my lawn and my neighbors lawn on both sides while they were at work one house was two nuns and the other was a single British lady who worked all the time. They never knew I mowed it for months was kinda funny when I got caught lol. Ended up knowing most of the people in the neighborhood super people.


cops probably said it was a civil issue because they thought you were full of it and your car was towed due to repo or was towed for another reason (not saying you are full of it)


Active Member
Originally Posted by scorpiojkd
cops probably said it was a civil issue because they thought you were full of it and your car was towed due to repo or was towed for another reason (not saying you are full of it)

Our last chief is doing 25 years not saying this one is corrupt but hey it sure seems it from my shoes.....
I walked into a gas station and asked for some paper towels to check my oil and the lady started cursing me in Spanish and the ending was stupid anglo... It is a different way of life there and if your not Latino you wear a huge target on... I am not saying anything bad about all the people in the area but a lot really hate Anglo's or anyone who looks like one...
I dunno why they took my car out of my driveway or why my male shepherd was killed and my female almost killed a note on our door the week we moved into our home saying they wanted money etc etc etc... I should not have said anything its personal stuff and I'm a idiot for telling it on a forum just with all the political stuff guns etc I got carried away. Anyway think I am wrong or whatever I did what i thought was right and stand by it and my family is safe for it..
I did mention our caddy never ran again right after we got it from the second tow company super deal pay them money to get a car that was perfect to a car that needed to have the motor replaced after they drained all the coolant out of it and my wife was driving it home 15 miles bam.. The best thing is the week before it was at the caddy dealer the week before and had a clean bill of health...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fats71
Our last chief is doing 25 years not saying this one is corrupt but hey it sure seems it from my shoes.....
I walked into a gas station and asked for some paper towels to check my oil and the lady started cursing me in Spanish and the ending was stupid anglo... It is a different way of life there and if your not Latino you wear a huge target on... I am not saying anything bad about all the people in the area but a lot really hate Anglo's or anyone who looks like one...
I dunno why they took my car out of my driveway or why my male shepherd was killed and my female almost killed a note on our door the week we moved into our home saying they wanted money etc etc etc... I should not have said anything its personal stuff and I'm a idiot for telling it on a forum just with all the political stuff guns etc I got carried away. Anyway think I am wrong or whatever I did what i thought was right and stand by it and my family is safe for it..
I did mention our caddy never ran again right after we got it from the second tow company super deal pay them money to get a car that was perfect to a car that needed to have the motor replaced after they drained all the coolant out of it and my wife was driving it home 15 miles bam.. The best thing is the week before it was at the caddy dealer the week before and had a clean bill of health...
If the lawyer will, I'd say sue the crap out of them. And call the EPA and inform them that they are illegally disposing of anti-freeze, oil, batteries. Who cares if it is true or not. It will just be headaches for them. Most tow people are theives. Then you need to call whoever licenses the tow company, they can't charge that much money to tow your car.
I'd have still called the cops and told them I'm walking in with a gun I'm going to take my car back. The messed up thing about tow companies, they don't have to prove anything, they can just take your car, make you pay 150 bucks. It is so screwed up.