Should College Students Be Allowed To Carry Weapons???


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
The border is almost a third world country... That's why many of us who live here want to see troops on it.
it is when the snowbirds leave its weird
Originally Posted by stdreb27

If the lawyer will, I'd say sue the crap out of them. And call the EPA and inform them that they are illegally disposing of anti-freeze, oil, batteries. Who cares if it is true or not. It will just be headaches for them. Most tow people are theives. Then you need to call whoever licenses the tow company, they can't charge that much money to tow your car.
I'd have still called the cops and told them I'm walking in with a gun I'm going to take my car back. The messed up thing about tow companies, they don't have to prove anything, they can just take your car, make you pay 150 bucks. It is so screwed up.

I am not gonna lie even if it means i would make millions.. I wanted to do all sorts of things like send letters to political leaders etc but the attorney says not till after etc.. Im like it could help now...


Active Member
anyway sorry for bringing this here i seriously am a idiot for posting it... I could end up screwed over this thread alone....
shoulda waited till after the trial....
as I said just talking about our country and stuff got me going...


Active Member
seriously if I could delte it I would and if anyone ha the power to delete mine it would be appreciated as it could seriously hurt me in a bad way...
this was a huge brain fart moment...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fats71
seriously if I could delte it I would and if anyone ha the power to delete mine it would be appreciated as it could seriously hurt me in a bad way...
this was a huge brain fart moment...
For a small fee I will refrain from forwarding this thread to the Homies back in TX. I accept paypal.
Just kidding.......I'm sure none of those guys swim here anyway. Don't sweat it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
For a small fee I will refrain from forwarding this thread to the Homies back in TX. I accept paypal.
Just kidding.......I'm sure none of those guys swim here anyway. Don't sweat it.

my friend at ft hood found it and msned me today and said her dad who lives in Mcallen saw it.... Gots me all sorts of jittery as i said im a idiot for postig it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fats71
my friend at ft hood found it and msned me today and said her dad who lives in Mcallen saw it.... Gots me all sorts of jittery as i said im a idiot for postig it.
Wow. The world is getting pretty small isn't it?


Originally Posted by Hydrodamoper
I find it hard to believe that what happened at Virginia Tech could have been stopped by a 18-21 year old college student that was carrying a concealed weapon...
. Now if he had tried that at a police training school he wouldn't have had chance
. I believe it would be a deterant to anyone thinking of doing such a horrible thing but not if they were determined.
Teachers/Professors being allowed to carry a weapon would be more logical. Perhaps the college could set-up a training course for the teachers that wanted to assume the role as the "in classroom guard".
Personally I would not allow any of my children to attend a college that had a open door policy for students carrying weapons. Most college students that I have dealt with are not going to college for just an education, but more so for the "experience".
"Experience" including partying, freedom/independance from parents, being with friends and then an education.
Im well passed the age of 18-21, but what does age have to do with ability. At what age do you have better motor skills? Its about practice not age. Just because you are 30-40-50 years old doesnt mean you are getting better at shooting people shooting at you. Its about not being a scared pile of**** and shooting wildly.


Im 22 years old and work at a death row prison. Before I worked here, i didnt feel the need to carry, but after I saw the "regular" people in prison for agg. crimes, i got my CC and started carrying my 9mm. I have a spare holster under my seat for when I go to a bank or my grandma's retirement home. Just having a personal relationship with the people who do these crimes, i don't trust most people becuase i see criminal qualities in them that i never saw before. I wouldn't hesitate to do what needs to be done in a tough situation, whether its a gun free zone or not. I am trained by the state, by the CC class, and by being raised around guns and shooting all my life. And while i agree that a lot of college students don't belong within a mile of a knife, much less a gun, i would rather have a dumb college student with a gun hiding behind a table with me than a scared stupid teacher who is going to be even more useless. Ill take the heat over having a gun in a gun free zone any day over a coffin closing and never seeing my family again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RotaryGeek
Im 22 years old and work at a death row prison. Before I worked here, i didnt feel the need to carry, but after I saw the "regular" people in prison for agg. crimes, i got my CC and started carrying my 9mm. I have a spare holster under my seat for when I go to a bank or my grandma's retirement home. Just having a personal relationship with the people who do these crimes, i don't trust most people becuase i see criminal qualities in them that i never saw before. I wouldn't hesitate to do what needs to be done in a tough situation, whether its a gun free zone or not. I am trained by the state, by the CC class, and by being raised around guns and shooting all my life. And while i agree that a lot of college students don't belong within a mile of a knife, much less a gun, i would rather have a dumb college student with a gun hiding behind a table with me than a scared stupid teacher who is going to be even more useless. Ill take the heat over having a gun in a gun free zone any day over a coffin closing and never seeing my family again.
hi I'm from east texas too!


Originally Posted by Hydrodamoper
There would be no reason for the weapon to be carried into the classroom, so where would it be kept then?
Does the term "Virginia Tech" mean anything to you???
There is so much ignorance on the issue of gun rights in this country. Here are two indisputable facts - the cities in this country with the highest crime rate, e.g. Washington, DC, Chicago, are ones that have a total ban on guns. The medium to large city with the lowest crime rate in the country is Kennesaw, GA where every homeowner is REQUIRED to own a firearm.
Gun laws only slow down honest people that want to defend themselves from those that could not care less about the law.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jj48
The medium to large city with the lowest crime rate in the country is Kennesaw, GA where every homeowner is REQUIRED to own a firearm.
I have a copy of a really cool letter from the city of Kennesaw to Diane Feinstein and the city of San Francisco. SF had banned handguns and the city of Kennesaw wrote a letter asking for all of the confiscated weapons so they could hand them out to citizens. It's on the hard drive in my old laptop. I'll try to dig it up and post a copy. It's an interesting read.


Active Member
The answer is NO... just like I am not able to carry a gun into my job. I have no problem with someone that age owning a gun... but they shouldn't be on college campuses. If the campus wants to provide security than fine... but I don't think students should have, or do have the responsiblity to make decisions that should be made by trained professionals in a "school shooting" situation... or for someone they believe to have a gun. I mean where does it end.. should high school students have guns too? Should postal employess have guns... or any place where a work or school related shooting occured in the past. The problem is that we live our lives in fear, and are scared to even walk out of the house or to send our kids to school. If you want to end gun-violence... than end the culture of guns we have in America... the countless murders seen on TV or on videogames daily. End waterguns and the games we play like "cops and robbers". We have a culture of violence and gun play... So the answer is we are not going to stop the culture we have... so the best solution would be to provide an armed guard (police) in Dorm Halls or Class Halls. But to change an environment of learning into an armory. I would possibably even consider a professor being allowed to carry.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
The answer is NO... just like I am not able to carry a gun into my job. I have no problem with someone that age owning a gun... but they shouldn't be on college campuses. If the campus wants to provide security than fine... but I don't think students should have, or do have the responsiblity to make decisions that should be made by trained professionals in a "school shooting" situation... or for someone they believe to have a gun. I mean where does it end.. should high school students have guns too? Should postal employess have guns... or any place where a work or school related shooting occured in the past. The problem is that we live our lives in fear, and are scared to even walk out of the house or to send our kids to school. If you want to end gun-violence... than end the culture of guns we have in America... the countless murders seen on TV or on videogames daily. End waterguns and the games we play like "cops and robbers". We have a culture of violence and gun play... So the answer is we are not going to stop the culture we have... so the best solution would be to provide an armed guard (police) in Dorm Halls or Class Halls. But to change an environment of learning into an armory. I would possibably even consider a professor being allowed to carry.
Shoot at work we can carry if we had the chl


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
The answer is NO... just like I am not able to carry a gun into my job. I have no problem with someone that age owning a gun... but they shouldn't be on college campuses. If the campus wants to provide security than fine... but I don't think students should have, or do have the responsiblity to make decisions that should be made by trained professionals in a "school shooting" situation... or for someone they believe to have a gun. I mean where does it end.. should high school students have guns too? Should postal employess have guns... or any place where a work or school related shooting occured in the past. The problem is that we live our lives in fear, and are scared to even walk out of the house or to send our kids to school. If you want to end gun-violence... than end the culture of guns we have in America... the countless murders seen on TV or on videogames daily. End waterguns and the games we play like "cops and robbers". We have a culture of violence and gun play... So the answer is we are not going to stop the culture we have... so the best solution would be to provide an armed guard (police) in Dorm Halls or Class Halls. But to change an environment of learning into an armory. I would possibably even consider a professor being allowed to carry.
How exactly are you going to pay for an armed Cop in every classroom of every class period of every University 12 months a year?
Colleges aren't "Gun Free" zones. Just look at V-Tech. When the time came, only the criminal had a gun.... It takes one crazy to kill a dozen people, and it takes one armed citizen to prevent it.
The problem is not that we "live in fear". The problem is we live in a society where we blame video games and tv's for the idiotic and evil people of this world. The problem is we use terms like "culture of violence" that sounds nice and pretty and does absolutely nothing to end the problem.
Rylan, did Cain kill Abel because as kids Adam and Eve let them play with clubs too much? Trying to equate kids playing with water guns and "cops and robbers" is looney. How many gansta's in Chicago grew up playing with water guns? Come on...


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
totally agree... i think it would make the nutcases think twice before they shot up a campus...
but then again they would just go to a mall...

That's the point - the nutcases shoot up the campus as a form of suicide. They can't "think twice" - that's why they are nuts. Having some half-trained impulsive 19 year old carrying a gun won't hinder the nuts!


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
How exactly are you going to pay for an armed Cop in every classroom of every class period of every University 12 months a year?
Colleges aren't "Gun Free" zones. Just look at V-Tech. When the time came, only the criminal had a gun.... It takes one crazy to kill a dozen people, and it takes one armed citizen to prevent it.
The problem is not that we "live in fear". The problem is we live in a society where we blame video games and tv's for the idiotic and evil people of this world. The problem is we use terms like "culture of violence" that sounds nice and pretty and does absolutely nothing to end the problem.
Rylan, did Cain kill Abel because as kids Adam and Eve let them play with clubs too much? Trying to equate kids playing with water guns and "cops and robbers" is looney. How many gansta's in Chicago grew up playing with water guns? Come on...

They grew up around guns... seeing them used and as an everyday part of life. You do live in fear... thats why you want to argue that we need guns in school... I guess we should be allowed to carry any weapon... tasers.. knifes.. how about swords... Colleges are gun free zones... and because one person breaks the law means that its a call to arms... These incidents are probably less than 0.5% to happening. I am not saying there needs to be a gun in every room, but have a armed person on premises...maybe two if its a large hall.
We are talking about a person who was crazy... another more fair minded solution would be to catch these kids before the go down this road.. In the VT incident there were clear signs that this person was mentally unstable and should have been hospitalized... and other situations where there were signs of trouble.
You could also perhaps have metal detectors.. Lets use some common sense here


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
That's the point - the nutcases shoot up the campus as a form of suicide. They can't "think twice" - that's why they are nuts. Having some half-trained impulsive 19 year old carrying a gun won't hinder the nuts!
thats the point... these things happen everywhere... where do you decide where to draw the line... It happens in high schools and even younger.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
That's the point - the nutcases shoot up the campus as a form of suicide. They can't "think twice" - that's why they are nuts. Having some half-trained impulsive 19 year old carrying a gun won't hinder the nuts!
It will when they shoot him dead.
Why is this a difficult concept? People in many States protect themselves with handguns everyday.
All a "Gun Free" Zone on a University does is keep guns out of the hands of people who would defend themselves.