Just talked to the dr....the hematocrit when we brought her in was a 17...today it is 16
...doc says even though it went down..it only went down one which is good
if it goes to a 12 that is when we look to the transfusion
The WBC was 23...now is 54
.....they are continuing the strong steroids, BUT changing her to a stronger antibiotic
she still has no appetite, but she is drinking ON HER OWN....they don't want to give I.V. fluids since it will dilute the meds....she is still yellow, but they did not run a new billirubin
fever is gone......They will run another blood test Tuesday....I will not be able to call until Monday since they close at noon....they come in every few hours to check on them though, and if anything, they will call me...PRAY for my phone NOT TO RING
SOOOOOOO Al....the doc says this is exactly where she expects her to be at this point

she again told me this will be a lengthy treatment and progress will be slow ...we are also stll at the 50/50 chance of survival stage