Originally Posted by
meowzer http:///forum/thread/384593/sick-doggie/120#post_3371291
OK...not so good today....when I got there she got up on her front legs, but did not try to approach...she did lick me ... BUT she would not touch the food....I tried to have her sniff it, I placed it against her mouth, NOTHING

I did not try to force her though......she did drink some water while I was there though. AFter a few minutes she relaxed her front paws and laid down...SO I just stayed with her...talked to her...and petted her
I DID have a lengthy chat with dr though....First I told her about all I have read....made sure she understood I was not questioning her....I am just trying to understand what is going on....reading and hearing some of this stuff is like a foreign language to me
1. most reports I read say there should be signs of improvement in 1-3 days...and cases with jaundice the prognosis is worse...we are on day 7 with conditions worsening....teh dr says she did not agree with that...ok Usually you do see improvement in a few days, but not always.
2. i asked if they did a coombs test.....she said yes, it had to be sent out, and results should be in tomorrow.....this test should confirm what we already know Coombs positive or negative they are realistically still going to treat the same way.
3. asked if we ruled out parasites....she said yes OK
4. asked about an ultrasound for tumors or cancer.....she said they did not have that capability, and I would have to go to OKC for that, BUT she does not think that is the case Unfortuanate that you can't get Ultrasound of abdomen but that might be a long way to transport her if she is not in good shape.
5. Asked about spleen removal.....she said that is something only to consider after stabilization.....which we are not at New one on me. I would usually only remove a spleen if it was the source of the bleeding (tumor)
6. Asked about taking her home for the night.....The Dr said it was up to me...BUT strongly advises against it right now...they don't even let her out of the crate....she said she had a dog with this once that she took outside to use the bathroom and it literally fell over dead......so they take no chances.....I told her I would stand by her advuce on that Probably for the best since they do check on her at night
7. asked about new cbc and transfusion....she is going to run blood again in the morning...it seems their machine is fixed...BUT she also feels that tomorrow they will do the transfusion regardless. ALSO she told me (and I read) that the transfusion is a temporary fix.....I guess what they hope for is the 2-3 days that it lasts, the steroids and antibiotics kick in//files.saltwaterfish.com/smilies/shrug.gif" sab="1835">
SO does that mean she will seem better for a few days....then get worse again (maybe)? It is a temporary fix but since you need to try to stabilize her and her blood count was dropping it should be done in my estimation, if available and you can afford.
OK ..NOW this is new.....she started her on prednisone today..IN ADDITION to the dexamethasone, and the 2 antibiotics baytril and the other tr(??)....one Well. they are both corticosteroids. probably trying it because they need to change things up since she is not getting better. get the spelling of the other antibiotc if you can. It probably is a Tetracycline family drug but...here I go getting myself in trouble....IMHO it should not be a 'sulfa' drug....doubt it is..so do not panic...but I there is a sulfa drug know as Tribrissen (generic is known as SMZ)
SHE DID tell me that their are signs of NEW red blood cells when they check the blood...but apparently they are not surviving Still. This is good. It is considered a 'regenerative anemia'. If she were not making any...'non regenerative anemia'...that would be bad at this stage
Pixie is still very yellow.....I will call tomorrow at 10 a.m. for the test results again......
SOOOOO...Did I forget to ask something??? Should I ask something else? What now???? While the actual cuase of the autoimmune crisis is difficult to figure out you might ask if they have a list of a couple possible explanations as to what triggered it. Infection (probably), Tumor (hopefully not), Medication ?
I let myself get excited yesterday, I should have known better

They can go up and down with this problem some so hang in there
My thoughts