Slice's 47g Coral Evolution


Active Member
Yes that is the magnet mounted ledge and is working out great. I don't have a full shot to show you right now but there are 5 frags on it now. Without it, I would be in trouble since the maroon clown doesn't allow new frags in the tank. I recently had to remove the new acans to the 29g and was worried but they seem to be doing well.
I would actually fill my sea squirt up with pellets and feed multiple corals though the cleaner shrimps would steal half of the food before the corals could eat it all.


Active Member
I fed the Candy Cane some mysis this morning; first time ever feeding a coral. Watching it grab and slowly close around the mysis was the coolest thing I have ever seen


Active Member
**Update/New Additions**
Yeah, I know "pics or it didn't happen", pics coming soon....
I finally got "reef" test kits: Alk, Cal, Mag and P04, all Salifert. Alk, Cal and Mag was predictably on the low side, P04 continues to be undetectable.
I'm using Seachem Reef Fusion 2 part according to directions and after 3 weeks, Alk, Cal and Mag are *just* within desired params (will have to look at my book to tell you exact readings, but they are OK).
In the last 3 weeks, I've added a 50+ head frag of zoas, mixed mostly nuc green, a few red and a few larger polyped grey-green ones. They are already spitting out babies!
Mushrooms are also popping out babies like a bunch of rabbits.
2 weeks ago, I added a 1" x 3" piece of orange monti cap, by sheer coincidence precisely where spanko suggested in a post above. It is already growing and bulking up its polyps. The edges are already showing indications of wanting to scroll. MY FIRST SPS!!!

I will very soon add an acro frag to see how it goes, getting very excited!!

And I will post pics soon...
almost forgot, I've also epoxied a small rock to the top of the tallest one, bringing my highest "coral perch" to within 9" of the light, in anticipation of high light demanding SPS. I should now have placement opportunities for whatever I want!!
One more thing, my tank turned 1 year old today!


Active Member
Happy birthday to the tank! It sounds like everything is coming along nicely. Remember how I said mushrooms are resilient? Well, I found a polyp living in my canister filter. I placed it in the DT and it is doing awesome.


Active Member
I know ... I have been bad for awhile now in regards to taking pics. I've been spending a lot more time in the yard and haven't been doing much with the tanks. I will take some very soon.


Active Member
Finally, right?
First, the new guys
this monti cap was a ragged jagged flat little rectangle with skeleton showing all along the edges when first put in. In only 3-ish weeks it has grown over and under the edges, expanded its area by nearly 50% and changed its shape from that flat rectangle into a hand shape with undulating edges. It has also brightened up quite a bit.

The zoas here have really taken off as well, there are maybe 10-12 babies around the perimeter.
The Mushrooms are spitting out babies.

The Leather has come a long way since being brought in, but it does not have tenure...

The candy cane is spitting a head (crappy pic, sorry)

and here is was this morning begging for food

And the FTS

Can you find the LMB? Note that the tall rock got ~4" taller...
Overall, all inhabitants seem to be well adjusted to their home.
Thanks for viewing!! Let me know what you think!


Active Member
First let me say that you aqua scape is very phallic. Secondly the LMB is to the right and a tad down from the purple mushrooms. Thirdly the tank is coming along nicely.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mrdc http:///forum/thread/381452/slice-s-47g-coral-evolution/40#post_3374288
What did you use to glue the monti? Looking really good ...
and ...
I kneaded reef epoxy into a quarter sized disc, superglue gelled that to the end/bottom of the monti. Superglue gell on the underside of the epoxy disc, pressed it into/onto the side of the rock.
Same technique I've used for all the other frag plugs/rubble. Also the same way used to glue the top rock in place.