Slice's 47g Coral Evolution


Active Member
Thanks Flower, I must take a lot of pictures, the ones from the last update did not come out well, still a lot from that update not documented here yet, and now, more new stuff...
Thanks for the rockwork complement, I am also happy with it...going to take a look at Nova's now...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Slice http:///forum/thread/381452/slice-s-47g-coral-evolution/80#post_3389167
Thanks Flower, I must take a lot of pictures, the ones from the last update did not come out well, still a lot from that update not documented here yet, and now, more new stuff...
Thanks for the rockwork complement, I am also happy with it...going to take a look at Nova's now...
But, I must ask where are these pics? I need something to brighten up my day.


Active Member
Here you go, Gemmy!!
In no particular order:
I call this "Paly's Corner". The Green on the left, the Goochesters and the Camos are new.

The Hammer has opened up to twice what I thought I had bought...
Brain and Acan. The Brain was orginally fairly thin and only on top of the plug. It has now thickened considerably and is starting to "overflow" the edges of the plug. I never thought I would have an acan, but could not resist the price of this one ($1) and did have a single area where one could go.

It took me comparing this new pic to old ones to confirm I have growth on this Tricolor Acro. Yeppers, growth!!
The bottom closest to the rock has started to encrust up the rock; the branches have thickened and added a bit of length. Still can't figure out if it is ok, should be higher or lower (inexperience talking here). It has colored up a bit since being in the tank

Green Slimer has new tip growth and good encrusting growth. Stunner has done good encrusting work.

Ponape Birdsnest was higher and on the left side. It was not coloring up much, so I moved it down and up front middle. I think I like it here to bust up any "stratifying" of coral types. It is coloring up nicely with a bit of tip growth. I never thought about Hydnophora, but the wife liked it and bought it. Seems to be doing OK.

Not sure about either of these guys, may be way too much pruning work ahead. Pulsing Xenia and GSP:p>
(Xenia bowing to the flow, should have waited a bit when it was more upright...pulses a LOT)
Look at all that new growth at the bottom of the GSP...that is 3 weeks worth!

I continue to be impressed with this guy. It just grows and grows. Can't wait to see what shape he finally chooses...

I didn't get a good shot of these before, sold as "Extreme Pinks". They are up on the base of the tall rock, higher than the other zoas, again to bust up "stratifying" of coral types. Seem to be doing well.

And finally, the FTS. That tall rock sure is nekked. So far, all the frags have been at bargain prices, but
I now turn my attention to acros that will inhabit the higher regions...

Thanks for looking! Any comments are welcome!
If you see any crowding issues or other concerns, please advise!


Well-Known Member
I think it looks great...your Xenia looks a bit droopy so you might want to add some flow, or did they just wake up? On the last FTS picture, I thgought that was your sea shell at first poking out there. I love the color, did you get rid of the shell?
LOL...I told you it reminded me of Nova's rockwork.....LOL..he has the sea shell not you..sorry. i was going to edit and remove the sentence but it's too funny... my getting the two mixed up.


Active Member
The Xenia is in fairly high flow, I should have waited to click the pic when they were more upright. A moment after the shutter clicked, the flow allowed them back upright.
What sea shell?!?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Slice http:///forum/thread/381452/slice-s-47g-coral-evolution/80#post_3390676
The Xenia is in fairly high flow, I should have waited to click the pic when they were more upright. A moment after the shutter clicked, the flow allowed them back upright.
What sea shell?!?
LOL...Did you see my edit? I got your tank confused with Novahobbies. I love the column of rock on both of your tanks.
Don't you hate to have a picture taken and the coral desides to not look its best until after? The best SH pictures I can get are early in the morning when all the coral is closed up because they haven't fully bloomed for the day yet. So I either have good SH shots (well good for my photography talents anyway) or FTS and no horses because they hide in the corals and disappear.


Active Member
I looked at Nova's rockwork the other day when you mentioned it. Yeah, we both had the same general idea, I like his too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/381452/slice-s-47g-coral-evolution/80#post_3390708
Looks good! Love the Ponape!
Thanks BTLD!!
From adding new frags or moving them around, I've been armpit deep in the tank every weekend for the last month. I gotta leave it alone for a while now and let it do it's thing.
Thanks for your comment, I love the Ponape too. I think it will look really good there once it grows a bit.
Any words on the other SPS placements, if there is anything I should be made aware of, would surely be appreciated!


Active Member
Everything looks awesome. I love the shape of your rock work. I like how you plan the the placement of the corals and try to break up the growing patterns.


Active Member
Thanks Gemmy!
I'm trying to blur the transition from lower light to higher light critters, thanks for noting the attempt.