Slice's 47g Coral Evolution


Active Member
Originally Posted by mrdc http:///forum/thread/381452/slice-s-47g-coral-evolution/100#post_3394247
I'm giving away a lot of stuff next month so I can add some new stuff.
Is that kinda like shopping at yard sales for inventory for your next yard sale?
What are you intending to swap out?
Added 2 skunk cleaner shrimp ("inky" and "stinky") to the tank this past weekend. We have wanted these guys for a good while now but could not justify the price. We finally got tired of buying peppermints only to never see them again...
Also, by this weekend, there will finally be the second MP10s in the tank...NO MORE BUTT-UGLY KORALIAS!!!!!!!!
Weekend after next....NEW CORAL ADDITIONS


Active Member
I plan to give out frogspawn, hammer, gsp, montipora, elkhorn and zoas.
I have had my two skunks for about 17 months now which is the longest I have ever had shrimp live. I always have to have some in the tank because they still fascinate me after all these years. Though they can be a pain in the butt when I spot feed corals.
You know, I have been thinking about buying my first MP10 because I am tired of the bulkiness of my current power heads and especially since I just had to add another one.


Active Member
First, equipment...finally got the second MP10 in the tank. No more butt-ugly Koralias!!! The flow from 2 MP10s about as perfect as I can imagine in this tank.
My previously posted pics of the tank cropped out the equipment because it was so unsightly, but here is a truly FULL FTS
(don't worry about the calm surface, it is normally quite choppy)

I also added a frag rack.
This past Saturday was another frag swap at the local coral farm. The specials this time was.......$1pp Zoas!!
I availed myself of the offer...

Also recently added a pair of cleaners, Inky and Stinky

Shots of older additions:
The growth of this Ponape Birdsnest is amazing; it has added 50% since early May.

Monti keeps doing it thing

The Hydnophora stays hairy

Random Zoa pics

Thanks for looking!!


Active Member
Looking good!! My Hydnophora stays hairy too and make sure no other corals touch it because they are very aggressive.


Very nice! You will get alot of enjoyment out of your shrimp. Just feed them before your coral. A tiny piece of scallop will keep them occupied about 10 min. I like how your Royal G. edges into the pictures. lol


Active Member
That's cool. I did a major overhaul on my 30g so I hope that I can get corals to start doing better in there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gemmy http:///forum/thread/381452/slice-s-47g-coral-evolution/100#post_3398107
It's the weekend.

Originally Posted by meowzer
I hate secrets

Well, I spent too long working on the never-ending bathroom remodeling project to take pictures yesterday, will do my best to take some this evening...
Added to the tank last Friday an ORA Frag Pack
Red Planet Tabling Acro
Rose Millie
Purple and Green Acro
Yellow Fuzzy Acro
Pearlberry Acro
Pokerstar Monti (this was a freebie sent with the pack)
Except for the monti, all are mounted on the tall rock, placement roughly according to the original plan back on page 1 of this thread. The Yellow and Pearlberry haven't shown much polyps yet, but the others are furry and apparently loving life.
I still have not placed the zoas and palys pictured above yet, they are still on the frag rack. Once these are in place, I don't think there will be much real estate remaining for any (or many) more additions.
I will switch from acquisition to grow out mode...not sure how that is going to work out...


Active Member
This batch is the worst set of pictures I've taken in a while, will do better next time....
Older stuff first
This green frilly mushroom was one of the first pieces put in the tank, donated by T316 I told you about back in post #22.
It grew quite large, ~4" diameter but never spit out babies like the red ones did. Then it began to fold in half, I thought in response to water flow, but.....nope....
In the course of just a couple days, where there was one mushroom, there now are two.

The red mushrooms, also from T316, spit out babies at almost an alarming rate. The GSP will require some control soon as well. Note all that sponge; there are several areas like this on the undersides of rock.

I had to let Dottie get a cameo shot in so she would leave me alone for the rest of the pics

I also finally got a decent shot of Herb

The Candy Cane has nearly finished splitting this head, the uppermost head is well underway to splitting, the lower left one is thinking about it.

The brain has grown quite a bit and has jumped off the frag plug and is attaching to the rock on the right side, I guess it will stay in this spot.
(yeah, yeah, diatoms)
I can't tell how much this guy has grown without comparing older pics, it has grown nicely. I've increased the photoperiod of daylights from 8 to 9 hours and this guy
quickly responded with much more and deeper purple. I'm very pleased with it. It has also finally based off the plug and directly onto the rock.

I still have not mounted the zoas and palys I got week before last; still considering placement options..." />

The Ponape Birdsnest continues to grow unexpectedly fast, the green slimer is showing a little bump on the base that I assume will grow into a new branch
Unfortunately, my newest pics of these 2 are stinky bad...
New Stuff, crappy pics
RED PLANET TABLING ACRO I've wanted one of these for quite a while now...
This guy is really fuzzy with polyps. The Pokerstar Monti lower left was a freebie.

Yellow Fuzzy Acro (not so fuzzy wuzz he?)

Rose Millie (furry...could have been called Teddy Bear; correct color and really furry)

Purple with Green Polyp Acro (really like this guy, nice coloring)

The pic of the Pearlberry and the Pokerstar Monti came out badly, but...they look very nice!
SPS Group shot minus the Pearlberry around the left corner (you can see a bit of it peeking beyond the edge a bit below the yellow fuzzy)


Thanks for looking!
All suggestions welcome! (even snarky ones)


Active Member
Looking great Joe thanks for sharing, how is work going these days with the cut back in personell. My company went to manditory 4 day weeks - economy is still slow, got me worried a bit.