**New Additions**
I changed the title of the thread.
So I went to T316's place Saturday, Great guy, beautiful home, awesome tank, 280g in-wall dividing living room from dining room, hassle-free setup through and through.
His build thread here:
These pics taken the following morning just after actinics came on, with flash (sorry crappy camera):
This guy, after full lights, became fully upright and about 1 1/2x larger. It was loose on the sand in T316's tank, I glued it to the rock. It is currently about 18" down from the light, right side (see pic with scale in above post).

This mushroom was already attached to the small rock; it is much more green under actinics. It seems alternately happy or PO'd. It is about 21" down, again, right side.

This red one doesn't seem to care what you do to it, it is just glad to have a home. About 22" down, left side.
It was originally placed in the hole loose, but after this pic, it floated towards a cave at the rear. I glued it to a small rock are replaced it near where it was. It didn't seem to mind at all.

I'm not sure about this guy, it was originally situated upright in the sand in T316's tank, the rock on its side under the sand. I placed it higher up on the rock, around 21" down after this pic. I am *guessing* it will turn upright in time. If not, I will fidget with it. It has not seemed to make any reactions at all to being moved.

yeah, yeah, a bit of cyano, I'm working on it (flow issues).
Unfortunately, the most beautiful frag, a red mushroom with blue dots, floated away to parts unknown by the next morning. I knew I should have glued it down
. I hope it will re-emerge from the rock and find a resting place in full view. When it does, I will post a pic.
Thanks to T316 for his hospitality and the frags!!