SocalNano24s Tank Diary


Active Member
Thanks Guys. I could probably frag some of it. It's a pretty common monti cap around here though. Maybe I just got a lucky specimen :eek:P


Active Member
Ok Note to self; just traded out my chemipure elite and cleaned out the chaeto. Tank is doing well other than I'm having the periodic hair algae take over that seems to happen roughly every 7-8 months (could just be from needing new chemipure though) Which I think means its time to change out the lights again.


Active Member
Ok I'm a little bit bummed.
I noticed a few months ago that my lawnmower blenny(atreyu-named after the never ending story) wasn't looking fat anymore. I tried to beef up the feeding routine of algae sheets and starting diversifying the turkey baster feedings to get him to eat something else. (Lately I've been doing mysis, brine shrimp and arctipods). Well he must have just not been eating enough cause he died the other day.
My gf wanted me to point out that Atreyu and the fire shrimp were friends(aka symbiotic), and Atreyu liked to fly in the tank instead of swim (because he's the flying dog from never ending story)
I know there's nothing wrong with the tank. I've had him for 8 or 9 months now and I'm thinking maybe my tank was too small for him. He was about 3.5 inches.
So my current livestock is this:
2 True Percs
1 Six Line Wrasse
1 Fire Shrimp
1 Emerald Crab
Along with various hermits, nassarius and Cerith Snails....
I'd like to get another fish, but I've never had good luck with gobies or blennies in this tank. (Firefish tend to get picked on by the Six Line), and I'm not down with sand sifters anymore after realizing they deplete the resources.
Any thoughts or recomendations? Keep it as is?


Active Member
I'd agree to keep it like it is.. but for future reference there are a bunch of tiny little gobies/blennies that look awesome in nano tanks. Some that only get like an inch long.
Couple I've seen like to peek out of little empty shells...really awesome.


Active Member
Ok haven't updated in a while. Everything is doing well; minus the anemone. He never moved out from under his perch of ever expanding monti cap over his head and kidn of whithered to nothing. :(
Oh well everything else looks GREAT!
Here's some updates.



Active Member
Ok did a little rearrange, just rotated the top piece about 90 degrees clockwise. I think it looks better, more balanced. Oh and I got a new LMB, not sure if I mentioned that previously and too lazy too look. Haha


Active Member
bump a month later?
So good news; last year in August when I was on vacation; my house sitter closed the feeding lid on my nano and all the fish died when it hit 95 outside.
This year for my vacation; I had a friend who actually keeps fish take care of my apartment and EVERYTHING LIVED; Hoooray! I don't have to be paranoid on vacations anymore.
On another note; the new LMB died (before vacation); even though he was fed algae sheets and there was plenty of hair algae in the tank. So no more of those for me. Otherwise everything has lived since October of last year.