SOVIETTACO's 24g Nano-Cube Diary


Active Member
Well tomorrow is the big day, going to do my tests which should show that my INITIAL cycle is over so I can get more stuff wooohoooo!!! I'll be putting up weekly test results and some weekly pics hopefully with some new buddies!!

SO EXCITED wish me luck tomorrow, and stop by and comment on my pics!!



Originally Posted by SOVIETTACO
Well tomorrow is the big day, going to do my tests which should show that my INITIAL
cycle is over so I can get more stuff wooohoooo!!! I'll be putting up weekly test results and some weekly pics hopefully with some new buddies!!

SO EXCITED wish me luck tomorrow, and stop by and comment on my pics!!


Active Member
Not like anyone really cares about this thread but sorry it took so long to post the pics and info up.
I'm happy with my parameters!! Therfore my LFS and I reckoned I could add some stuff woohooo!!
Weekly Parameters 09-25-09:
SG: 1.025
Temp: 79
Ph: 8.2
Nitrite: 0
Ammonia: 0
Nitrate: 10
I think my INITIAL cycle lol, is done don't you?
Here's my updated Inhabitants List:
3 nassarius snails
3 astrea snails
1 stometella snail (hitchhiker)
3 baby black shell hermits
3 medium blue leg hermits
2 scarlet hermits
1 emerald crab (hitchhiker)
2 ocellaris clowns
1 Okinawa Goby (sounds better then yellow clown goby hahaha)
1 Bangaii Cardinal
1 green torch coral with 4 heads
Red brain coral
piece of rock with a ton of purple/blue mushrooms and what looks to be some polyps
about 12 lbs LR
20 lbs LS
Six Line Wrasse
2 Pom Pom Crabs

The six line is on its way, LFS going to call when it gets in!!!
Poms are tricky little buggers. They are at my LFS but have been eluding us for 4 weeks, little punks came out today and the second we tried to capture them they would slip back behind the LR just enough so we couldn't get at them but they tauntingly ate a crap ton of shrimp used to persuade them out. CURSE YOU POM POM CRABS!!! CURSE YOU!!! lol
Here you go. Some quick pics I snapped off before I went to a Football game I could not miss, gp North vs. gp South biggest HS rivalry in Michigan. (I'm a North Alumni) We won HAHA 24 to 7!!!
Ok sorry got side tracked.
FTS before the purchases

Nassarius snail before diving into the sand completely

My goby and bangaii cardinal acclimating

Close up, this fish is a beast!!

How can you resist this cute little guy?

Dinner Time!

Brain Coral eats more then my fish

Please comment! Don't be scared!
I will take more and better pictures tomorrow and post them till then Slainte!!


I love the little clown goby's...LOL...Be careful not to add too much at once
test your water after a day, then again in 2....etc.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
I love the little clown goby's...LOL...Be careful not to add too much at once
test your water after a day, then again in 2....etc.....
K will do, btw by looking at the pics can you tell if the cardinal is male or female?


Active Member
Originally Posted by AQUAPOD 24
i love the brain
. (OMG im watching this show and an elephant seal went Jacky Chan on this diver lol)

Thanks and thats the most random thing ever haha

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by SOVIETTACO
I suppose so, I've heard the dorsal will be longer on males, I was just throwing that out there to any body really.
Males have a massive jaw structure and often-longer dossal fins (Bang would be the expert on Banggai)
Are you quarantining your fish? If not do you have a contingency plain if they come down with a disease?
BTW my Banggai


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
Males have a massive jaw structure and often-longer dossal fins (Bang would be the expert on Banggai)
Are you quarantining your fish? If not do you have a contingency plain if they come down with a disease?
BTW my Banggai
First of all great pic!!! Does your Bangaii have red coloration in its dorsal?!?! And what do you feed it
And as of right now no QT, I may get a small 1-3g tank if I can find one in a month or two. If I can't find that size I might try to make one.
I do acclimate I don't just dump them in there lol. Also if it is worth any value the Bangaii I got had been living in my LFS's huge display tank since it was just a baby, and he/she (what do you think?) WAS born in a tank. I also inspect all my purchases to the point of annoying my LFS owner and ask how long they had the fish in the tank (If it is an individual I have noticed has been in their for a while).
Also I do try to get as much as I can that is Aqua-cultured, based on the fact that they are usually more hardy and also I am a strong believer in trying to keep our world's fish populations as well as other sea critters healthy and stable
As for a contingency plan WITH disease, I will quickly go out to buy a QT for example if it happens tomorrow and set it up. I would seperate the fish from my DT and treat the problem to the best of my ability, trust me if it happens (which I am sure it eventually will) I will be freaking out so bad trying to fix and figure out the problem you will probably see SOVIETTACO posts all over this forum (even if its a un-related category) lol, until I figure it out.
I don't fully know of everything I should really have and be doing so I am trying to figure that out first. Then I will tackle my QT question.
For example I am not exactly sure what a refugium is and why everyone seems to encourage having one, lol are you familiar with the term NEWB I am one and will continue saying it for a while
Btw thanks for asking these questions it helps me learn more and gets me to to take care of my tank as best as I can!


Originally Posted by SOVIETTACO
Not like anyone really cares about this thread but sorry it took so long to post the pics and info up.
I'm happy with my parameters!! Therfore my LFS and I reckoned I could add some stuff woohooo!!
Weekly Parameters 09-25-09:
SG: 1.025
Temp: 79
Ph: 8.2
Nitrite: 0
Ammonia: 0
Nitrate: 10
I think my INITIAL cycle lol, is done don't you?
Here's my updated Inhabitants List:
3 nassarius snails
3 astrea snails
1 stometella snail (hitchhiker)
3 baby black shell hermits
3 medium blue leg hermits
2 scarlet hermits
1 emerald crab (hitchhiker)
2 ocellaris clowns
1 Okinawa Goby (sounds better then yellow clown goby hahaha)
1 Bangaii Cardinal
1 green torch coral with 4 heads
Red brain coral
piece of rock with a ton of purple/blue mushrooms and what looks to be some polyps
about 12 lbs LR
20 lbs LS
Six Line Wrasse
2 Pom Pom Crabs

The six line is on its way, LFS going to call when it gets in!!!
Poms are tricky little buggers. They are at my LFS but have been eluding us for 4 weeks, little punks came out today and the second we tried to capture them they would slip back behind the LR just enough so we couldn't get at them but they tauntingly ate a crap ton of shrimp used to persuade them out. CURSE YOU POM POM CRABS!!! CURSE YOU!!! lol
Here you go. Some quick pics I snapped off before I went to a Football game I could not miss, gp North vs. gp South biggest HS rivalry in Michigan. (I'm a North Alumni) We won HAHA 24 to 7!!!
Ok sorry got side tracked.
FTS before the purchases

Nassarius snail before diving into the sand completely

"Rob Slajus Plaid Fish" haha its the big land dwelling one

My goby and bangaii cardinal acclimating

Close up, this fish is a beast!!

How can you resist this cute little guy?

Dinner Time!

Brain Coral eats more then my fish

Please comment! Don't be scared!
I will take more and better pictures tomorrow and post them till then Slainte!!

The brain looks really sweet, I love the colors. The torch is kickin it too. Have you had the dreaded brown algae all over yet? It seems to be normal during the cycle of almost all tanks.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Does your Bangaii have red coloration in its dorsal
I also inspect all my purchases to the point of annoying my LFS owner and ask how long they had the fish in the tank (If it is an individual I have noticed has been in their for a while).
The problem here is that most if not all LFS have there tanks for fish interconnected so while a fish may be there for a while and not show any disease they can in fact get infected on the day you buy them and you may not notice the infestation. you can also introduce it into your DT via the shipping water
As for a contingency plan WITH disease, I will quickly go out to buy a QT for example if it happens tomorrow and set it up.
Its not the mechanical set up that causes the problem with this scenario its having a bio filtration capability in place
For example I am not exactly sure what a refugium is and why everyone seems to encourage having one
Refugium is a word used to describe a refuge in the aquarium hobby (connected but separate from the DT) it is used to add water volume as well as to grow algae for nitrate assimilation, deep sand bed, and copepods est.
And what do you feed it
He will eat just about any good frozen food but LOVES mysis shrimp
and he/she (what do you think?)
Male I have 50% chance of being right


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
YesThe problem here is that most if not all LFS have there tanks for fish interconnected so while a fish may be there for a while and not show any disease they can in fact get infected on the day you buy them and you may not notice the infestation. you can also introduce it into your DT via the shipping water
Its not the mechanical set up that causes the problem with this scenario its having a bio filtration capability in place
Refugium is a word used to describe a refuge in the aquarium hobby (connected but separate from the DT) it is used to add water volume as well as to grow algae for nitrate assimilation, deep sand bed, and copepods est.
He will eat just about any good frozen food but LOVES mysis shrimpMale I have 50% chance of being right
Thanks lol.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
I love the little clown goby's...LOL...Be careful not to add too much at once
test your water after a day, then again in 2....etc.....
Ok took a water test again today,
Parameters 09-28-09:
SG: 1.025
Temp: 79
Ph: 8.2
Nitrite: 0
Ammonia: 0
Nitrate: 10
same tank list but here ya go
3 nassarius snails
3 astrea snails
1 stometella snail (hitchhiker)
6 medium blue leg hermits
2 scarlet hermits
1 emerald crab (hitchhiker)
2 ocellaris clowns
1 Okinawa Goby (sounds better then yellow clown goby hahaha)
1 Bangaii Cardinal
1 green torch coral with 4 heads
Red brain coral
piece of rock with a ton of purple/blue mushrooms and what looks to be some polyps
about 12 lbs LR
20 lbs LS
Six Line Wrasse
2 Pom Pom Crabs
Ok here are those pics I promised, and I have a few ID's if anyone can help
His favorite spot

I'm very suprised that my fish have been getting along so well! They like to hangout nere each other.


ID: The Zoos anyone know what type?

I really hope I am wrong but does this look like a Mantis? I've been spotting him at night time and last night I finally was able to get pics (best I could do). He looks like he is a purple or blue color, he is usualy curled into a C shape. And I noticed he was eating stuff off the sand very much like a hermit crab does.

Here is what the head looks like and a better way of getting an idea of the shape, not sure what end the head was on from the pic. I couldn't get a clear look at how his eyes looked.

And finally why do I have all these bubbles under my sand?

Thanks!! And Enjoy!!


Active Member
Looks like you're coming along well. Love the bangaii. I can't ever find any at my LFS or I'd be soo on it getting some into my tank.
I love the little clown gobies. They're great. I have green clown gobies in my setup. I finally found a goby that my lawnmower blenny won't kill. lol He's so mean.
Love the brain coral. The colors are great! I have a green lobo.
Keep up the good work! If you have any questions just ask! And we do care about your thread!