Spanko's bio cube, what in Posiden's name is he up to now?


Active Member
the numbers is what many reefers say but like i tell everyone you can have even or odd numbers of fish it still doesnt mean they will school. its up to them.


Well-Known Member
i started with 3 chromis, 2 died (new tank). Told the LFS i got em from and they said thats weird and that none had died at the store.....HA i have been in their several times(more like 100)and now that i have some kind of experience under my belt. Ive seen several dead fishys....anywho the remaining chromis was lonely and hiding a lot so i threw 2 more in like 10 or so days later. I still have the 3 and since theyve formed there pecking order, biggest to smallest. I havent lost a one or seen them fighting amongst themselves. Really my main prob was lack of oxygen, I had no water breaking the surface at all in the beginning. I do believe in the odd # rule myself!


Active Member
*raising hand for Spanko* When you feed heavily, what do you mean by this and what do you feed heavy, corals?
and, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to answer my important question bought before you this evening.
Mr. Keith Scott
Fort Wayne.


Active Member
I feed the tank heavily. I feed a variety of foods both frozen, pellets, flake. I rinse nothing. I put a lot of food in the tank every night. The fish cannot possibly eat it all. I have the pumps off for around 10 minutes then put the MP10 on in feed mode for however long that lasts until it goes back into normal reef crest mode. Leave it for another 10 minutes or so and then turn the sump pumps and skimmer back on.
To me unscientifically this give all critters a chance at some food, introduces some phosphate into the tank as well as may even allow some nitrate to be produced prior to the bacteria and mechanical filtration to again strip the water of nutrients. In the words of a Dr. friend I know and from his post in another thread.................
"to some degree there needs to be a small amount of P and N in a tank, some things need it. as far as the nasties and crud getting into your tank, the corals probabaly loved it as a small treat, they do eat fish pooooooo"


Active Member
Cross-thread pollination.
Wise words heeded. Observation of my tank already made me start looking this direction, confirmation appreciated!


Wow, I've just gone through all 43 pages of this thread. Amazing stuff - hope one day to have a tank that looks like any of yours!!


Well-Known Member
I'm still waiting! always take such good pictures. I'm so looking forward to what you have done now so HURRY UP ALREADY...LOL