Spanko's bio cube, what in Posiden's name is he up to now?


Active Member
Thought I would throw out some growth shots.
Milli April 30 2009 start of vodka dosing

Same one at the top of the tank in back

Another milli from April 30 09

Same one now

April 09 birdsnest


June of 09 what I though was a sunset monti

Turned into this.

Chalice nov 09


You can see the green tabling acro on the left when I bought it in around april of 10


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This guy in January of 10

Is now this guy


Active Member
Wowwwwwwy........... I am looking into getting a bigger protein skimmer for my 56G. I have been thinking about Vodka dosing again. The water clarity was AMAZING when I was dosing. And yes the corals were doing great too. I was however emptying out the skimmer atleast 3 times a week.


Active Member
I have an aquaticlife mini skimmer 115 in this tank and empty it about 2-3 times per week of some real nasty coffee colored gunk. I do feed this tank heavily every day too.


Well-Known Member

Impressive, alas my attempt to do the vodka dose thing was a bust...To say your tank is beautiful hardly gives it the credit it's due.


Well-Known Member
Henry, is there anyway we can get an update on the new light system? How are the corals doing, has there been any noticeable changes in color and growth yet, sir?


Active Member
Well some changes have been made.
A rescape to get the two hills on each side down that were causing the spotlighting of the LED's in the center.
The AI SOL SUPER BLUE is doing awesome, coral are growing like mad, so well in fact they were growing out of the water, hence the change. Now am able to take advantage of the 2 on each end 70 degree optics and get a nice spread of light.
In the change lost the tailspot blenny I had for quite some time to a carpet surfing incident. **sad he was with me quite some time**
Fish list is now
3 x green chromis
2 x anthias
1 x bali tiger jawfish
1 x pacific blue angel
So far everyone is looking for a new crib with no time for bickering.
Good night all, pictures when all settles in a tad.


Active Member
*cracking up around the corner* okay first off, did you just say "crib"? Lol...... I am excited to see the new "Atlantis of Henry". Didn't think that you were ever going to get to the aquascaping.
Sorry about your little friend too. You know..... if you need to frag some things, I'm not to far away *wink wink, hint hint*


Active Member
So I love the shoaling of the Chromis. I know the three will probably reduce in numbers because of infighting but they are so cool right now. I even think that because they are out in the open they are enticing the other fish, anthias and pygmy angel, to be out and about more. The others being out in the open more might also be a result of the rescape, hard to tell.
Anyway here is a before the rescape picture.


Am happy with the outcome so far. I love the led's and the spread now over the entire length of the tank is very appealing to me. I'll get some mo-betta pics later.


Active Member
You're so kind ms. kitty, thanx. Yup the birdnest IMO is pretty hard to murder, just bounces back.


Active Member
It has a very natural look to my eye, gorgeous!
Is that superman table in there somewhere?