Spanko's bio cube, what in Posiden's name is he up to now?


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Originally Posted by 2Quills http:///forum/thread/332430/spanko-s-29-bio-cube/760#post_3351143
So I take it that the fixture comes with some type of programable controler. Are you able to set it to do a thuderstorm say, O'...maybe like three times a month and let it go on it's own or do you have to turn the random storm generator on and off manually?
Yes on the controller. You can set
What percent chance there will be a thunderstorm and how many times per day. So even though you set at 24% chance once per day it does not mean you get one every day. Totally randomized by the controller.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by spanko http:///forum/thread/332430/spanko-s-29-bio-cube/760#post_3351268
Yes on the controller. You can set
What percent chance there will be a thunderstorm and how many times per day. So even though you set at 24% chance once per day it does not mean you get one every day. Totally randomized by the controller.
Very good, Henry. I'll be anxiously waiting to see the new images. The ones posted above have some phenominal color, can't wait to see them with these leds.


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***waves at Mark***
No I don't go to swaps. Have no room in the tank for anything else so try to avoid any temptation.


Active Member
Lol, I determined that i need a TLF nano algea scraper for my pico, the mag float is to bulky for a pico..... Rearranged my corals and now i have tons of room.


Active Member
Okay here is the new Aquailluminations 12" SOL LED Super Blue on the tank.
First a drawing of what I did to the standard tank mount to get the light up higher and parallel to the front of the display.

Now the pictures.

Here are the settings.
8:00 am.
white at 35%
blue at 40%
royal blue at 45%
ramp up time 60 minutes.
9:45 am
white at 40%
blue at 45%
royal blue at 50%
60 minutes
8:15 pm
white at 35%
blue at 40%
royal blue at 45%
ramp down 40 minutes
9:15 pm
white at 0%
blue at 3%
royal blue at 3%
ramp down 60 minutes
Lunar cycle on
Thunder storms on
25 % chance
1 time per day.


Active Member
WOW! henry you out did your self! great system!
nano king!
but a few questions, does it spread very well around your tank? is it brighter then the HQI? how do you see the corals?


Active Member
Thanx all. The spread is great and if I were to increase the intensity percentages it would be far brighter than the metal halide.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko http:///forum/thread/332430/spanko-s-29-bio-cube/780#post_3355286
Thanx all. The spread is great and if I were to increase the intensity percentages it would be far brighter than the metal halide.
i know your acclimating the corals, but idk why so many people complain that sps dont like LED. like with the ones we have in the store and the sps dont have there colors well.
i reallp hope they love these!


Active Member
hey Henry! Just saw you cube!! you are the cube casanova!!!! And I beg to differ.... you have plenty of room in that cube O' Paradise. What do the fishy's think of the new set up?


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Thanx Keif! The thunderstorm while really cool to see makes me wonder if it is doing anything for the coral at all. I have mine set at 25% chance of storms 1 time per day. Have seen only one in the three weeks I have had the unit. My house has a L shape. Woke up one morning, looked out the bedroom window and I see what looks like a fire in the living room window. Rush out there and it is the damn thunderstorm happening.

The fish don't seem to pay attention to it at all.


Active Member
I was a little concerned that the critters would have seizures during the storm.
The video on youtube, the fish are just doing their thing not thinking twice about it. Give it time, the coral will do there thing in time.
i think mine did about a month ago. I had the lunar lights on and came downstairs and noticrd all these white "egg" looking things floating up from the bottom of the tank. There were hundreds of them getting blown around by the current and all the fish came out and started eating them. Alot survived so we will see.
I tried to get a pic but it was way to dark. Dand...that would have been a thread huh?