Spanko's bio cube, what in Posiden's name is he up to now?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Slice http:///forum/thread/332430/spanko-s-bio-cube-what-in-posiden-s-name-is-he-up-to-now/840#post_3390678
I should have called you a "tease"...
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/332430/spanko-s-bio-cube-what-in-posiden-s-name-is-he-up-to-now/840#post_3390688
Are you not at work today....or do we have to wait until tonight????
Originally Posted by Flower
I'm still waiting! always take such good pictures. I'm so looking forward to what you have done now so HURRY UP ALREADY...LOL
Originally Posted by meowzer
crushed coral???? HMMMM
There will be no pictures for now.
The tank is currently fishless. All that is left in terms of motile life is snails crabs worms pods etc and the cleaner shrimp. Oh and of course what is left of the coral. Had to do some intense fragging. Almost felt a pain in my heart as I was chopping some of the larger colonies that have grown out so well.
Progress marches onward!


Active Member
No Chromis.
No Anthias.
No Pacific Blue Pygmy Angel
No Bali Tiger Jawfish.
No Fish...................................................................................but stay tuned


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Fish and coral frags went to the LFS for in store credit.
This is not a result of a problem but an intentional redo.


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I do give some away to friends and a young kid down the street that is interested in marine setups and has the equipment to keep SPS. Funny thing he actually has two of my previous fish that I sent back to the LFS for credit. He wants an alert anytime I plan to do this in the future so he can buy them directly from me instead of paying the markup at the fish store.


Active Member
Can't decide Luvy on whether to give you guys a pic of the scape or wait until my plan comes together completely.


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Inspiration from my beautiful bride. We spent some time in a southern state not long ago and witnessed something she fell in love with.