Have reset up my tank a few months ago to try and get a few Yellow head jawfish as the main focus. Bought a "mated" pair from a dealer down in the Keys. They came in great, set up some basic housing, not together though. I thought maybe the trip and such close quarters may have taxed their marriage a bit so I did not worry much. One of them lived for about a month. The other about two months. Could not figure out why. Did not want to try again so reset my tank again. While doing so I found a nasty crab about the size of a silver dollar I had never seen before. Pointy- black tipped claws. Hmmm..... I said. He went the way of the porcelain receptacle. Went back to or close to basics. Set up a "descending wall on the left side that has my SPS and LPS coral. On the right side set up a small bommie type grouping with a cave opening that from my reading should be a lovely place for a RBTA to take up residence and not move from. Covered the MP10 with some netting, gonna have to figure out something better, got a pair of tank raised occy's, one larger than the other and away we go. Also found a picture of an Occy relaxing in it's RBTA, printed it out and stuck it on the side of the tank where mine is.
So questions for discussion here are.....
Have any of you old timers had RBTA's before or now?
What are your experiences with them moving about?
Did yours ever find a place where it stayed?
What was the place like if it did?
How long have you or did you have it?
Then I guess we can go from there.