Spidey's 150g Reef Build


Active Member
that blenny is pretty... Favia looks god. it seemed like it was way more blue in my tank? It was in a 30 gal with 250 watt halide


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Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Very nice!! So, what do you like better? The LEDs or MH?
The true blue Radium 20k MH by far! But I'm going to keep the LED running because now I can put lower light corals under it and they don't get bleached.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
that blenny is pretty... Favia looks god. it seemed like it was way more blue in my tank? It was in a 30 gal with 250 watt halide
It looks much better when the MH's are on. In the picture above only the LED 10k was on. I don't have actinics in the canopy yet.


Active Member
wow... nice pic's!!! tank looks really good inside and out. I cant wait to build one like that. I really like the canopy and the pulley light thing, very smart! When i think about getting out of this hobby b/c it cost too much I get re-inspired by a set-up like yours and it makes me excited about SWF again. Thank you


Active Member
Wonderful looking pics. The blenny is very beautiful. I am thinking of getting a Canary blenny but lfs said it is venemous. Everything in your tank looks amazing though :)


Active Member
Thank you for all your kind words!
nwdyr, that is very sweet of you to say. We've made our mistakes with the first tank. Then the 75 was my first attempt to play with corals and this is now the tank where we are using the components we kind of dreamt of.
Blazin2k6, if I were you I'd stay away from the Canary Blenny and would hunt down something else. He may not bite you by accident, but can any other fish that he feels is a threat.


Active Member
Equipment update:
2 Tunze 6100 powerheads and 7095 controller finally installed and water is moving ... nicely
I'm only running the flow at 60% right now with sequence 1 turned on.
Teco SeaChill 1/3 chiller purchased and picking it up on Saturday. No more doors open in the stand and canopy for us. Temperature fluctuation has only been 2 degrees, but the highest with doors open is still 82.1 and I can only imagine how much higher it would be if doors were closed. Luckily we have an A/C vent in front of the tank.
Light update: the correct Radium 20k blue bulb arrived and is now installed.


Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
Inside the cabinet plumbing is done!
Calcium reactor will go in this end once we get all fittings

LifeReefugium with light attached to the sump system

You have an awesome set up. The only thing I would suggest is to change out that clear tubing that you are using to plumb your sump. The reason I say that is because if you have that area lit for your refugium you will experience some issue w/ hair algae growing in the plumbing. Just a suggestion. Everything else looks great. Keep up the good work.


Active Member
Are you going to run those "canisters" that jeff sells? I really wish I had enough room under my tank to run a fuge like that. It would be great. And Why aren't you running the skimmer externally?


Active Member
Originally Posted by LILCHRIS
You have an awesome set up. The only thing I would suggest is to change out that clear tubing that you are using to plumb your sump. The reason I say that is because if you have that area lit for your refugium you will experience some issue w/ hair algae growing in the plumbing. Just a suggestion. Everything else looks great. Keep up the good work.
The lighting in the refugium stays pretty much in the refugium only because the 3 sides of the container are black. I was looking at it last night and the rest of the cabinet stayed dark even with full lights on in the refugium.
Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Hey Spidey, set-up is coming along really nice. Luv the blenny, she's got great color. Corals are looking good

Originally Posted by stdreb27

Are you going to run those "canisters" that jeff sells? I really wish I had enough room under my tank to run a fuge like that. It would be great. And Why aren't you running the skimmer externally?
We didn't order those upright filters from him when the system was ordered so I'm now on the waiting list for 3. He isn't getting them in until September. He only gets them 50 at a time and right now he is out of stock.
I thought hubby had talked with Jeff and switched the in-sump skimmer to external, but it came in with the external. I do like it thought... produces nice and dark skimmate :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
The lighting in the refugium stays pretty much in the refugium only because the 3 sides of the container are black. I was looking at it last night and the rest of the cabinet stayed dark even with full lights on in the refugium.

We didn't order those upright filters from him when the system was ordered so I'm now on the waiting list for 3. He isn't getting them in until September. He only gets them 50 at a time and right now he is out of stock.
I thought hubby had talked with Jeff and switched the in-sump skimmer to external, but it came in with the external. I do like it thought... produces nice and dark skimmate :)
I basically have that exact setup on my new 58 gallon, and can't seem to get that dang skimmer dialed in. I probably need to set up some sort of auto topoff. The water level plays havoc with that skimmer. I have the 3 canisters, but I don't have them hooked up yet. I'm not sure if I'm going to, and since you didn't have them was wondering, if you weren't and why. I'm thinking about using filter socks there instead. The only think I've ever done with chemical filtration is carbon. So I don't see the use of three canisters. What do you plan on doing with them?


Active Member
Plan for at least 2 of the canisters is carbon and phosphate, might use the last one for emergency nitrate or ammonia remover.


Active Member
Wow, sorry for not giving an update. A lot has happend in the past 5 weeks. Sad to say but I managed to have a complete holocaust in the tank, all fish gone which is a story in itself. More corals in place, 1/3 hp Teco chiller installed, AquaController III installed and fully running, retro T5's installed and using full actinics and reef blue bulbs in that... hmmm what else...
stable water parameters..
calcium 430-460
nitrate, nitrite, ammonia undetectable
magnesium 1500+
pH 8.2 - 8.4 depending on lights/time of day
I do have a ton of pics taken, I just need to load them up on my laptop.