Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


Active Member
I finally got the three pendants hung above the tank. I figured now that they have been hanging for 24 hours, they must be alright. Need some adjusting, but at least they are up.



Active Member
Hey Goodwin,
I tell ya, if you can't grow SPS's after all of this, I will never buy another! Once it is really going and growing, how about you put in a tank cam so we can just stare at your tank while on conference calls!


Active Member
Originally Posted by grumpygils
Hey Goodwin,
I tell ya, if you can't grow SPS's after all of this, I will never buy another! Once it is really going and growing, how about you put in a tank cam so we can just stare at your tank while on conference calls!
You spoiled the surprise, when I get everything up and running, I will start working on the website devoted to this tank. Plans are to have a live web cam. I am playing with a couple different cameras right now that will allow the viewer to move the camera. Getting the tank setup and running is the first priority right now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
You spoiled the surprise, when I get everything up and running, I will start working on the website devoted to this tank. Plans are to have a live web cam. I am playing with a couple different cameras right now that will allow the viewer to move the camera. Getting the tank setup and running is the first priority right now.
Great minds...bla bla bla! Charge a $1/month! You could also probably charge for consulting since I assume you have seen,read about or inspected every hi-dollar peice of equipment out there!


Active Member
I did the first water check today;
Salinity 1.021
PH 8.4
NH3 1.3
NO2 3.3
NO3 .20
I started the sand filters and phos ban reactor up today and will check things again this weeked. I'm not knowegable enough to know where these numbers puts things in terms of cycling. I just know that there is a ways to go before the tank is ready.


Active Member
I finally got the calcium reactor put together and running along with the phosban reactor & sand filters.



Active Member
Things are looking good. I should be able to get my 125g up and running by the middle of the week. (I hope.) :joy:


Man definitely props on going so large and keeping it up but have to say it's a damn shame it's in a basement. That is definitely a great conversation piece in a living room but I know the weight factor is a big issue.. Keep it up..


Originally Posted by goodwin9
Sent an email, came back undeliverable.
Thanks Goodwin, but no worries. I think I actually stumbled across the answer on 'the other' large forum site while searching threads on other large coral tanks.
Anyways, props to you. Can't wait for the critters to go into your new tank. "Critter cam" will be mighty cool too! ***)


Active Member
Here is a picture from my salt room. The RO unit is sitting on the floor against the back wall. This fills the large 110 RO storage tank on the right. The two 55 gallons tanks are for mixing the salt water. The new tank is topped off directly from the large RO storage tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by The J.O.P.
you should buy stock in Intant Ocean.
thats funny stuff
Your setup is amazing Goodwin!!! Keep it up and keep those pictures coming. You must have an amazing wife to have a setup like this!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by shogun323
thats funny stuff
Your setup is amazing Goodwin!!! Keep it up and keep those pictures coming. You must have an amazing wife to have a setup like this!!!
You really don't think I have a wife with all of this do you? :notsure: The tanks and my cat are all I can handle. (Can't afford a wife)


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
You really don't think I have a wife with all of this do you? :notsure: The tanks and my cat are all I can handle. (Can't afford a wife)
Good point!!!


No wife Goodwin!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Lets see a pic of you next to your tank!!!!!!


Originally Posted by goodwin9
Here is a picture from my salt room. The RO unit is sitting on the floor against the back wall. This fills the large 110 RO storage tank on the right. The two 55 gallons tanks are for mixing the salt water. The new tank is topped off directly from the large RO storage tank.

How do you regulate the correct salinity of your mixing tanks? Do you have a diagram of this setup?