Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


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Originally Posted by BoCfuss
Its evening ***) ***)
Hold your horses, I'm downloading 700 pics from the camera and hopefully there are a few good ones. Idaho, is that central or mountain time zone? It might take a while to find some good ones out of the batch.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 20galFOWLR
this tank is going to be insane in a years time, ivebeen following every post :joy:
Wouldn't it be neat if you could fast forward in time.....The corals going into the tank are so small and the tank is so big. Hopefully I will be able to find some nice size fish to add some color while the corals are taking off.


Active Member
Originally Posted by drea
thats sick, one day... a 300 would b good for me, lol, good luck w/ it all!
They tell me it's an addiction...set your sights high. Hard to belive my first tank is now the QT tank (55 gallon)


This is Goodwin cleaning his tank!!!!!!!! :hilarious

His tank is so big, even he looks like a little fry :happyfish
Careful :scared: Goodwin I would not spot feed like that!!!!!!!!!!!



Originally Posted by bonita69
This is Goodwin cleaning his tank!!!!!!!! :hilarious

His tank is so big, even he looks like a little fry :happyfish
Careful :scared: Goodwin I would not spot feed like that!!!!!!!!!!!

ROFL to funny


Active Member
I can't believe the second shot I took actually turned out OK. You can see most of the tank along with the 8 new green chromis in the center of the tank. (you have to look closely)


Active Member
The little guys I got last week are about 1/3 the size of the ones that arrived today. They are keeping their distance from the big boys.


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lookin great... do you know what the life expectancy on the baby chromis is? they shure are cool when they school like that!!!!!!!!! :jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :happyfish


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Also received 4 anthias today, 1 male & 3 females. Male decided to hide in the rocks and never did come out ot get his picture taken.


Active Member
Also got a couple of scooters that took a while for me to find in the tank. Had a hard time getting a good shot of them.


Your tank is starting to take shape.
I hope to see more pictures as it progresess.
By the way you are an amazing reef keeper.


Active Member
Any idea if the scooters are male and female? I've heard they will spawn in captivity (however I haven't heard of successfully raising the offspring). When I get my big tank I am hoping to get a mated pair of scooters.


Active Member
Great pics Goodwin! :cheer: Your tank is actually big enough to showcase a school of fish and they really act like a school. VERY COOL!
Love the anthias, one of the prettiest fish I think.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bgrae001
What do scooters eat? My wife wants one. I thought they were like dragnets and needed lots of pods.
I think that they do, I have seeded the tank with pods and the other reason I have put them in so early is that in my other tanks, they are eating brine shrimp and hope that these wil too.


Originally Posted by goodwin9
I think that they do, I have seeded the tank with pods and the other reason I have put them in so early is that in my other tanks, they are eating brine shrimp and hope that these wil too.
Do they eat live or frozen?