Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by FireShrimp
One of the best tanks i have ever seen !!!!!!
Beautiful !!!
on the bad side it gives me ideas of my own :hilarious
Thank you! It never hurts to dream, just don't over do it like I did. If I'm not carefull, my dreams are going to turn into nightmares......


Active Member
4 New fish today. Easier to drip acclimate a small shipment.

Here is a sneak peak at one of the new guys. Shipped in his own box weighing in at 30 lbs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
ah , the rare sailfin sunday comics tang. sweet!
LOL, I didn't think of that. They must have not wanted him to get bored on the flight to South Dakota. :notsure:


Active Member
Can't wait to see them swimming in your tank, of courese they will look small once you put them in.
I'm so jealous! Still can't add any fish to my tank, waiting for it to cycle.


Originally Posted by goodwin9
Here's a shot of the "rare" sunday comic reading sailfin tang.

Way to sweet!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by b0bby1
did u get any other fish today, and if u did can u post some pics of them?
I did, look behind the tail of the sailfin and you can see the new Red Head Fairy Wrasse.

Finally got him to come out for a couple of shots.



Active Member
Here are a couple of more shots of the sailfin. I hope to get some better ones tonight after the lights go on.
