Originally Posted by saltn00b
hey goodwin i have put more than that amount of snails in my 150 and withiin 24 hours looked like i didnt add anything! lol so you may need more. also, 5 queen conch, not so sure if that is a good idea. maybe 1, but not 5. they get massive, and will likely starve.
LOL..You aren't kidding. Looked this morning and had same problem. I knew that I would probably need more. Just ordered another 100 Astrea & Nassarius snails, 100 Blue leg & 100 Scarlet crabs, 5 more Emerald crabs, and 6 Cucumbers. The conches I got yesterday were small, 1/2 - 1" and if they start getting too large, I have some other tanks I could throw them in.