Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


Originally Posted by goodwin9
You would think so looking at them...
Powder Brown Tang - Acanthurus japonicus
White Cheek Tang - Acanthurus nigricans
They must be closely related. I know I would have a hard time telling them apart...
Thanks for the info.


so you have about one fish for every 14 gallons of water, i forget what is the safe way of doing it, meaning how many fish per gallon?


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
Right now, in the tank:
12 Lyretail Anthias (3 males, 9 females)
13 Green Chromis
3 Sebae Clowns
2 Clarkii clowns
3 Blue Hippo Tangs
5 Hawaiian Yellow Tangs
1 Vlamingii Tang
2 Powder Blue Surgeon Tangs
3 Sailfin Tangs
1 White Cheeks Tang
1 Clown Tang
1 Red Sea Blonde Naso Tang
2 Scooter Blennies
3 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Red Head Fairy Wrasse
1 Scott's Fairy Wrasse
1 Yellow Flanked Fairy Wrasse
Various inverts mentioned above
i thought you had a cleaner wrasse too?


Active Member
Originally Posted by WangoTango
i thought you had a cleaner wrasse too?
There were 4 to start and none have survived. Have also lost 2 of the Sebae clowns from the big shipment. Other than those loses, all others are eating and doing well. I'm surprised and happy that all of the Anthias are accounted for. I thought that they might have a tough time, but so far, so good.


Active Member
how do you pull yourself away from your tank??? how many hours a week do you spend in husbandry on all your tanks???
freakin killer system...


Nice tank. Sorry to hear about your fish loss. Was your tank fully cycled when you added your first fish? I am sure you did not add your fish to quickly, ( I am always tempted to do this.) I love your Tangs. I can't wait to see this tank with all the corals in it, but as you said, the water conditions must be good before you do this. Keep up the good work.


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
There were 4 to start and none have survived. Have also lost 2 of the Sebae clowns from the big shipment. Other than those loses, all others are eating and doing well. I'm surprised and happy that all of the Anthias are accounted for. I thought that they might have a tough time, but so far, so good.
This may be a dumb question, but how do you get a dead fish out of a tank that big...or do you let your cleaning crew take care of it????? or is it scuba time


Originally Posted by browniebuck
This may be a dumb question, but how do you get a dead fish out of a tank that big...or do you let your cleaning crew take care of it????? or is it scuba time

I think there would have to be some sort of crane system so that goodwin could hang over the tank and with two 4ft long nets get it out... CLIFFHANGER! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


Active Member
I figured out why SWF is low on stock. Goodwin is buying all the fish. JK Very nice tank. I really like the naso,sohal, and unicorn tang. Full tank pic?


Active Member
I added a couple of new fish today. Most were really shy and spent most of the evening hiding. Here are a couple of quick pictures that I hope to be able to follow up with some better ones tomorrow.
Here is my new Dussimer Tang, or at least what you can see from him. Set him loose in the tank and it didn't take long for him to find the cave before I got a chance to get the camera.

Here is the new Long Nose Butterfly.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RUBBERDUCK
yeah do you plan on clams sweet pics, were all those fish from one seller online
Sure would like to do a few clams in this tank, but next priority is to get some corals growing in the tank. The fish came from a couple of different online sellers.