Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


I can see it! Awesome. I am running Windows XP Professional, With Internet Explorer 7.0, also tell everyone to turn off there pop-up blocker to install the axis controler. I just waited a few seconds and its working.


"The ramblings and awe-inspiring images from a fish mad-man!"
Nice title. And no more looking at the tank in the ----! lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by Threed240
"The ramblings and awe-inspiring images from a fish mad-man!"
Nice title. And no more looking at the tank in the ----! lol
Come on... give me a little credit, been trying to get the darn camera working before I go back and finish the rest of the site. I didn't realize that this was going to be as big of hassle as it is turning out to be. Got three other cameras sitting in boxes waiting for some of the other tanks. Should have made sure I can get one working before I got anymore.......... I appreciate your help & comments!


Originally Posted by goodwin9
Come on... give me a little credit, been trying to get the darn camera working before I go back and finish the rest of the site. I didn't realize that this was going to be as big of hassle as it is turning out to be. Got three other cameras sitting in boxes waiting for some of the other tanks. Should have made sure I can get one working before I got anymore.......... I appreciate your help & comments!
It looks good!

d0 thy d3w

cool site dood! let us know when ur finished making it!! btw i did gte the cam to work once i got over my computer stupidity...are u gunna make it so people can post coments and such on it?? and what about a thread on it so people can ask u questions and what not??


Active Member
I can see it!!! :cheer: Now is it supposed to be a bit choppy, meaning it changes frames every second or so? Regardless I think it's cool.

d0 thy d3w

Originally Posted by azfishgal
I can see it!!! :cheer: Now is it supposed to be a bit choppy, meaning it changes frames every second or so? Regardless I think it's cool.

it did the same for me..its probably due to the signal taking a long time to travel from the camera to uor computers, or the cam just isnt very fast..or a bit of both


Goodwin - With all those tangs, I was wondering if you ever got an ich outbreak. I didn't recall you QT'ing , just acclimating.
Did you ever get any signs of ich? and how did you go about fixing that?


Active Member
Originally Posted by tranman777
Goodwin - With all those tangs, I was wondering if you ever got an ich outbreak. I didn't recall you QT'ing , just acclimating.
Did you ever get any signs of ich? and how did you go about fixing that?
No problems with any ich so far. I did lose one of the Powder Blue tangs, but I think that it was due to being harrassed by the other Powder Blue. The aggressive one kept chasing him into one of the corners.


One question i was wondering why u were never able to keep sps before, thats almost all i keep except for a few lps, but trust me u wont regreat it, they may be alittle more difficult, but once u have everything perfect they will grow like crazy and be real colorful. Only a certain few will grow real slow, but hey everything looks great looks like u got plenty of flow and looks like u are ready to go. Let me know what all u are putting in there if any rare species at all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by volcom69
One question i was wondering why u were never able to keep sps before, thats almost all i keep except for a few lps, but trust me u wont regreat it, they may be alittle more difficult, but once u have everything perfect they will grow like crazy and be real colorful. Only a certain few will grow real slow, but hey everything looks great looks like u got plenty of flow and looks like u are ready to go. Let me know what all u are putting in there if any rare species at all.
I think you hit it right on the head "everything perfect". I think that my other systems are lacking in areas and that I hopefully I have corrected in this system. I've seen some great looking systems on these forums and a couple in person that I hope I can get mine to resemble down the road.

d0 thy d3w

Originally Posted by goodwin9
I think you hit it right on the head "everything perfect". I think that my other systems are lacking in areas and that I hopefully I have corrected in this system. I've seen some great looking systems on these forums and a couple in person that I hope I can get mine to resemble down the road.
i think just about everyone who is into fish wants their tank to resemble ur 600!!! its a beast!!! u should put a toadstool in it!! it will grow and be eating sumo wrestlers in no time!!


probably a newbie question, but what happens if you have to quarantine? I know its a pain in my can you do it in a tank that large if you get an ick outbreak?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cnall
probably a newbie question, but what happens if you have to quarantine? I know its a pain in my can you do it in a tank that large if you get an ick outbreak?
Your screwed!


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
I can see it!!! :cheer: Now is it supposed to be a bit choppy, meaning it changes frames every second or so? Regardless I think it's cool.

The camera is capturing images at 30 per minute, the uploads to the net. Your connection to the internet can have an effect on the image and well as the number of people who might be viewing at the same time (so I have been told by one who "knows"),If I view it over dial-up, it is very choppy, on my broadbad it is much smoother. Thanks for giving it a try, I was begining to think that it would never work.... Next step is to fire up the cams on the other tanks and you will be able to have a choice of channels (tanks) to watch. If this one works, the other should be a breeze..(Ihope)


Well Goodwin love the tank and I have to say this is the longest thread I have ever seen without someone trying to bash someone else's the positive thread and keep the pics coming