Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by justforfun
I thought you should never have 2 powder blues in the same tank.
When I got my tank I had 2 powder blues, the small ones almost killed the big one. I had to take him out.
I was told that you could have more than one, maybe I should have tried 3. I have heard that you should have tangs in odd numbers if more than one. Didn't work with two in mine.


Originally Posted by goodwin9
I was told that you could have more than one, maybe I should have tried 3. I have heard that you should have tangs in odd numbers if more than one. Didn't work with two in mine.
Yeah I heard that for Yellow tangs. Either 1 or 3 .


Active Member
Originally Posted by bkneeland
new fish are going in?? watch the cam!

All done.......shows over. Next show starts @ 8PM central time....FEEDING!


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
All done.......shows over. Next show starts @ 8PM central time....FEEDING!

Oh man! I missed it!
I'm watching the cam now and it's getting better for me. Not so much frame by frame but an actual video. It's not a 100% fluid, but still fun to watch! :cheer:


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
I was told that you could have more than one, maybe I should have tried 3. I have heard that you should have tangs in odd numbers if more than one. Didn't work with two in mine.
I've also heard this and it's also true with some freshwater fish.


I was just watching The Blue Planet: Seas of Life. It's the best ocean documenary ever in case anyone whate to know. Anyway they have a scene in there where 2 powder blues are defending their teritory from a school of some othe kind of tang. These 2 fish chase away a school of like 100 fish. If they live in the same teritory in the ocean and help each other defend it then why not in an aquarium?
P.S. gongrats on the first elite 8 birth of the Bill Self eara Goodwin. Looks like i am going to have to break down and root for KU :mad: if I want to see a big 12 team win it all.


Active Member
I also got a Blue Caribbean tang. He was tough to get a good picture.

Here is a picture of them both together, seem to getting along with everyone else in the tank.


Originally Posted by AdroitMind
I was just watching The Blue Planet: Seas of Life. It's the best ocean documenary ever in case anyone whate to know. Anyway they have a scene in there where 2 powder blues are defending their teritory from a school of some othe kind of tang. These 2 fish chase away a school of like 100 fish. If they live in the same teritory in the ocean and help each other defend it then why not in an aquarium?
P.S. gongrats on the first elite 8 birth of the Bill Self eara Goodwin. Looks like i am going to have to break down and root for KU :mad: if I want to see a big 12 team win it all.

i just ordered series 1-4 on Amazon after you said this, hopefully its good =)


Active Member
I finally was able to get a few pictures of the Achilles tang which arrived last week. The Powder Blue tang has finally stopped harrasing him and he has come out from hiding in the corners.



Wow. I live vicariously through your web cam. Can't wait untill I get water in my new 75RR, but then I will be trying to figure out how to get a big tank like yours.


Thinking of making my own water once I have the 1000 and 300 set up.
A few questions for you.
1. What kind of salt mix do you use and what size do you get.
2. About how much does it come to per gallon total cost.
3. What kind of RO/DO system do you use.
4. Can you take a side pic of the refugime.
5. Not sure if you did a list of equipment. If not what is the total list.
Thanks for the Help.