Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
i favorited your webcams and they get checked almost it!!

I am getting more than 100 hits a day on the cams, which is your favorite?


Active Member
Originally Posted by eugenez_21
What is this fish here its a chromis right what is its full name
I know them as a Blue-Green Chromis, there are 9 of them in the tank.


Active Member
i have seen this thread going for ever and never looked into it, but i axidentil clicked on it, omg is all i can say about they tank, it is beautiful


Active Member
How can you not click it with 600 gallons and 18 pages!?! I think its illegal not to look at this thread lol.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
How can you not click it with 600 gallons and 18 pages!?! I think its illegal not to look at this thread lol.
i agree.


hey goodwin i see in that pic the guy posted that you have 3 sailfins?? is this true? i thought you only had 2 or is it a reflection! when i get a bigger tank, ( i found a 180g with built in overflows) i would like to get at least 2, are they a hardy fish or is it a lil hard to keep in good health?
thanks the cams are awesome! But i miss the bedroom one!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bpaul1201
hey goodwin i see in that pic the guy posted that you have 3 sailfins?? is this true? i thought you only had 2 or is it a reflection! when i get a bigger tank, ( i found a 180g with built in overflows) i would like to get at least 2, are they a hardy fish or is it a lil hard to keep in good health?
thanks the cams are awesome! But i miss the bedroom one!

No, there are 3, 2 smaller ones, and the large one. I have never had any problems keeping sailfin tangs. I have one in my 470 that I have had for years and still going strong.


Originally Posted by Am00re34
they are under green chromis on
Are u sure this is the pic they had of it doesnt look like the one in the other pic.
Green Chromis $5.99
Chromis viridis
The Green Chromis is very popular due to its peaceful and schooling nature...


New Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
Here is a picture from my salt room. The RO unit is sitting on the floor against the back wall. This fills the large 110 RO storage tank on the right. The two 55 gallons tanks are for mixing the salt water. The new tank is topped off directly from the large RO storage tank.

Mind if I ask where you aquired those RO tanks? I like the looks of them, Might need one myself

Amazing job man! You're my hero! Absolutely Stunning Aquarium! Its just downright incredible!


Active Member
Originally Posted by DigitalOxide
Mind if I ask where you aquired those RO tanks? I like the looks of them, Might need one myself

Amazing job man! You're my hero! Absolutely Stunning Aquarium! Its just downright incredible!

I bought them locally, but here is a link for the same tank online.


New Member
Awesome deals on that site; Thank you!

Cant wait, those tanks look awesome. I was wondering how I was gonna store all that RO water as it slowly trickled out of the filter lol

Keep up the good work!