Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by jsteph24
I have two pink skunk clowns and love them. They are pretty neat little fish. I have to say I was a little dissapointed when my wife brought them home because I really wanted a mated pair of true perculas, but they have grown on me. Nice tank goodwin!
Here is a shot of 2 of them in the anenome during feeding time with all of the pumps in the tank shut off. They aren't nearly as colorful as some of the other clowns, but I think that I will grow to like them in this tank..


fish addict

Ya I like pink skunks too, I was just wondering why you went with pink skunks since you had clarkiis before. They look nice!


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
I like a lot of activity in my tanks. By viewing the web cams, that should be obvioius..... Are ther too many...I really don't know.
I believe that I have the filtration and equipment to support the load in the tank.
i dono maybe its just me but i think that tank is just about filled up...


Active Member
Originally Posted by autofreak44
i dono maybe its just me but i think that tank is just about filled up...
Your right..I'm not actively looking for more fish to add at this time. Not unless something really nice comes along............


Active Member
Originally Posted by fish addict
Ya I like pink skunks too, I was just wondering why you went with pink skunks since you had clarkiis before. They look nice!

I've got mated pairs in my 210, 470 & nano...thought the pink skunks would be something different.


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
I like a lot of activity in my tanks. By viewing the web cams, that should be obvioius..... Are ther too many...I really don't know.
I believe that I have the filtration and equipment to support the load in the tank.
I know it can handle the bioload. That wasn't my worry.


I love your webcams!

With that many webcams I would worry about accidently letting someone see me in my underwear.


Active Member
Originally Posted by David24
I love your webcams!

With that many webcams I would worry about accidently letting someone see me in my underwear.

That's the reason I pulled the camera in my bedroom off the 150 FOWLR tank.....


Just curious how much money have u spend on the whole tank. Im only 13 but man i really want one of those tanks. Got a 75 right now. BTW i look up to ya, lol LOVE UR TANK LOTS


Active Member
Originally Posted by eugenez_21
Just curious how much money have u spend on the whole tank. Im only 13 but man i really want one of those tanks. Got a 75 right now. BTW i look up to ya, lol LOVE UR TANK LOTS

More than I am willing to hard in school, go to college and get a degree then find a job you enjoy. Then it will be easier to try a tank like this.