Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by cjason3041
any new pics goodwin??? coraline growth?....i am curious how much water you add daily, i add 1 gal to a 29 gal tank daily, is evap slower on a bigger tank?
Have been trying to find the "perfect" spots for placing the corals. Have been moving them around alot to find spots where they will do well. Have lost a few all ready and am not sure of the reason. Water is good, flow should be plenty so I am thinking that the lights must be too strong for some of them. The frags that I have left in the coral tank are doing well. Lighting in that tank is 10K 150W MH's. The big tank lights are 14K 400 W MH's. Looks like I might have to either raise the lights a little, or lower the placement of the corals. Seems to be the upper ones that are struggling the most.
Evaporation is about 8 to 10 gallons a day from what I can tell..


Active Member
Originally Posted by bpaul1201
ok two words Freak'n A
!! nice tank will have to start saving moeny and maybe sell a kidney or leg
! keep up the good work.
also checked out the other tanks and must say totally awesome!
there all a far cry from my microscopic !4g Biocube.

Thank you...You might have second thoughts if you were to spend a day working on the tank. Keeping the acrylic clean is a tough task. Glass would have been much easier in that respect....


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Am working on some new pictures as soon as I do a little cleaning........


Active Member
Originally Posted by wbsurfer101
So are you just sitting bck now and watching it grow. You should put some plants in there too. JUst a suggestion. i dont see them that often, but i think they are awsome. must be a downside to them. But man, i know uv heard this a million times but... I wish i were you...

I guess I' not really sure what types of plants I could put in the tank that the tangs wouldn't have for lunch.....


Active Member
New guy for the tank...Can anyone help with the indentification of this tang. I don't have a clue as to what type
I can see that I should have done a little cleaning before taking these pictures.



Active Member
Originally Posted by bpaul1201
with all those tangs are they having any problems and fighting or are they all go to go and are in peace?
They all seem to get along fairly well. Every once and a while, one will chase another, but the tank is large enough that there is plenty of room for all...


reefboy if you want to know the list google all fish in the oceans and you'll find most of them??
all i have to say is that you should have gave this thread the name " Tang Tank " goodwin!!
i cant wait to see it with all those frags in there i watch the webcam every few days to see the progress! hey i have a said that you have to work 2 jobs to support your addiction why not give diving lessons?? you pretty much have enough room in there!! and it looks like the reefs here in FL except a few fish missing! i see the market in dakota's as pretty good!!


i love that sailfin! is that an anenome i spy on that rock? like all the lil frags you have in the tank! once again just awesome i.....
to your tank!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MarineMan0
what is sps stand for?

Small polyp stony like Acrapora. LPS is large polyp stony like candy cane, frogspawn and trumpet.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bpaul1201
i love that sailfin! is that an anenome i spy on that rock? like all the lil frags you have in the tank! once again just awesome i.....
to your tank!
There are actually 4 anemones in the tank, 2 RBTA, and 2 GBTA's. Both Rose tip have stayed in place for weeks while the one in the picture still seems to be roaming around that tank trying to find a permanent home....Biggest problem with the frags is the tank is so large, they look so tiny.