Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by Am00re34
my question is do they stay on that disk forever then? or will they move onto some nearby rock?
I think it would depend upon what type of corals you are mounting, Zoos & mushrooms would spread to surrounding rocks. You could mount them directly to rocks, but I have never tried it with the rocks in the water.


Active Member
hey Kevin, they have a thread in fish photography about mimic lemon peels. I don't know if they are common in lfs where your at, but I haven't seen any in OK, which may not be saying a lot.


Active Member
Thanks for the help Mike. Goodwin, is there a size or behavior difference between a foxface and a magnifiscent foxface? Will one fit in a 125 along with 2 tangs and other small fish like clowns, a jawfish, royal gramma, and a pennant fairy wrasse?


Active Member
I'd also listen to others like Goodwin's advice but I'm pretty sure that would be fine. The thing I'd be concerned with is the choice of tangs. Make sure not the same body shape.


Goodwin, first of all i'm in love with your tank. I'm sure you get this a lot but how much has this tank cost you so far if you don't mind me asking.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
I'd also listen to others like Goodwin's advice but I'm pretty sure that would be fine. The thing I'd be concerned with is the choice of tangs. Make sure not the same body shape.
I think Im leaning towards the purple and kole along with some kind of rabbit fish (preferably a magnifiscent foxface).


Active Member
Are kole tangs aggressive in any way? Also will the purple tang attack smaller fish like a green mandarin or a fairy wrasse if they are added in after the purple tang?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
Are kole tangs aggressive in any way? Also will the purple tang attack smaller fish like a green mandarin or a fairy wrasse if they are added in after the purple tang?
in general i dont think koles are too aggressive, but i have heard stories of them being. same thing with the purple. theres a chinese restaurant near me that has one in their tank and it doesn't bother anything, but then there are others that wreak havoc, it just depends on the fish. regardless, i would make sure that the purple was the last fish to be added.


Originally Posted by goodwin9
The majority of the smaller frags were $10. ea, a few of them were $15. The large frags were $230. delivered
Where did you get your frags from? If you can't say on this board can you PM me?


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
You would think so looking at them...
Powder Brown Tang - Acanthurus japonicus
White Cheek Tang - Acanthurus nigricans
They must be closely related. I know I would have a hard time telling them apart...
Goodwin9.......your tang is a powder brown, I have a white cheeks.....Very similar, but for the white markings.

Excellent tank by the the tangs.


ok two words Freak'n A
!! nice tank will have to start saving moeny and maybe sell a kidney or leg
! keep up the good work.
also checked out the other tanks and must say totally awesome!
there all a far cry from my microscopic !4g Biocube.


any new pics goodwin??? coraline growth?....i am curious how much water you add daily, i add 1 gal to a 29 gal tank daily, is evap slower on a bigger tank?


So are you just sitting bck now and watching it grow. You should put some plants in there too. JUst a suggestion. i dont see them that often, but i think they are awsome. must be a downside to them. But man, i know uv heard this a million times but... I wish i were you...