Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


Active Member
You deffinately know a lot about tangs having all of those difficult species in there so I was hoping I can get your opinion on something. I am in the process of setting up a 125 gallon reef and I would like to have 2 tangs when its all done. What colorful tang would you reccomend to go along with a purple tang? I dont want anything too expensive and would like to avoid the very common yellow and blue hippos. I was thinking either a powder brown or a blonde naso. Also nothing really hard to care for.


Active Member
Kevin, definately nothing with the same shape as the purple tang. Goodwin could probably think of a specific but I can't at the moment.


New Member
Holy fraggin saltwater, batman. I thought Stocking a 125 was an undertaking. That is some set up. I can only imagine it in person. I can only dream of schools of tangs like that. Truly amazing, indeed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Is that in the smallier fragging tank or the big reef tank?
I placed the frags in the coral tank until they can be epoxied in place in the big tank tomorrow.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
You deffinately know a lot about tangs having all of those difficult species in there so I was hoping I can get your opinion on something. I am in the process of setting up a 125 gallon reef and I would like to have 2 tangs when its all done. What colorful tang would you reccomend to go along with a purple tang? I dont want anything too expensive and would like to avoid the very common yellow and blue hippos. I was thinking either a powder brown or a blonde naso. Also nothing really hard to care for.
Of the two you mention, I would go with the Naso. Powder browns and blue seems to get ick very easily. Two others you might consider would be a sailfin or scopas.


Active Member
Very nice sps collection, nice colors and sizes
. You are going to have an sps forest in no time at all

Absolutely Beautiful!!!


Active Member

Originally Posted by efishnsea
Very nice sps collection, nice colors and sizes
You are going to have an sps forest in no time at all

Absolutely Beautiful!!!

They look sooo tiny in the big tank. I guess you have to start some where. The coral tank makes them look bigger IMO....


Active Member
They look great. Trust me you wont need to add anymore. Those will fill up in a year or 2. I would just get an anenome and some softies for variety.


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
Of the two you mention, I would go with the Naso. Powder browns and blue seems to get ick very easily. Two others you might consider would be a sailfin or scopas.
I have read that a naso will outgrow a 125 so will something like a kole or mimic tang work? Also if I have 2 tangs will there still be room for some kind of foxface or other rabbitfish?


Active Member
Kevin, I think a naso would get to big for a 125g. A kole tang would work. How about a mimic lemon peel? I have a purple tang, a sailfin tang, and a foxface so I think it would work. Just make sure you don't buy them all at full grown size.
Goodwin, I can't wait for pics after the get in the 600g.


I agree wid TriGa22. I think you oughta get some shrooms or zoos. Maybe a candycane here and there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Kevin, I think a naso would get to big for a 125g. A kole tang would work. How about a mimic lemon peel? I have a purple tang, a sailfin tang, and a foxface so I think it would work. Just make sure you don't buy them all at full grown size.
Goodwin, I can't wait for pics after the get in the 600g.
Thanks for the help. What does a mimic lemon peel tang look like? Are the common at lfs? Also is there a size difference between a regular foxface and a magnifiscent foxface?


Active Member

Originally Posted by goodwin9
This time, things went much better. NO glue on the fingers. For those who are going to try mounting frags for the first time, it works much better when you use the Glue Accelerator. I wished that I would have know that on my first attempt...
So what's a Glue Accelerator? Do you have a picture? Right now I'm using Super Glue Gel.
BTW, your frags look AWESOME!


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
So how does it work?
Easy, I just put a couple of drops on the reef discs, then some glue on the frag and put them together. About 10 seconds and they were all set up. I was surprised at how it work on the mushrooms too. They are so slimey, and a real pain, accelerator on the rock and a drop of glue on the mushroom and they are stuck. I did about 10 mushroms and not one of them failed to hold. These were the ones I couldn't get to stick the first time around and the reason for all of the glue on the fingers. Not smart enough to wear laytex gloves........


Active Member
Thanks, that's good to know. I've only glued three corals, but have already run into the not sticking and taking to long to set problem. One of my corals disappeared a few days ago and I thought maybe my emerald grab got to it, but I found it face down in the sand.
I'll have to get this stuff you are talking about, THANKS!