Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
....Biggest problem with the frags is the tank is so large, they look so tiny.
You have frags in that tank? Really?
I kid.........looking great!


i was just watching the webcams. were you trying to get a picture of that tang. hah that tang i just thought how ridiculous that sounds with all those tangs. anyways the unidentified. he looked great swimming back and fourth.


Active Member
He didn't want his picture taken....New tang, am going through photos now to see if any of them turned out...stay tuned...


so have you thought about the diving lesson idea??
good work still like to sit and look at webcam at least 10min a day!
p.s. are you able to move the cam on the shark tank a lil higher it hard to see anything in there unless its swimming up high. thanks from another viewer!


hey good any way that you can get a picture of your achilles and white cheeks new ones that is. achilles is my favorite fish ever.


Active Member
Here is the new tang, Acanthurus Monroviae, similar in shape and form to an Achilles. I would guess that he is 7-8" in size.


Originally Posted by goodwin9
Here is the new tang, Acanthurus Monroviae, similar in shape and form to an Achilles. I would guess that he is 7-8" in size.

where are you getting your fish if you are allowed to say. hes definatley a cool fish.


Active Member
Another new tang, Yellow Belly Regal Blue tang. 6" This guy wouldn't come close to the front of the tank while I was trying to take its picture.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jonny
where are you getting your fish if you are allowed to say. hes definatley a cool fish.
I bought them online, but it's not something that I can post here. Send me an email


Active Member
Last week received a nice 4" Minic Lemon Peel Tang. Doing well and getting along with everyone in the tank.



Active Member
Had to get some clowns for the anenomes so I picked up 6 Pink Skunk clownfish. I fugured with 4 anenomes, they would all be happy. What happens, they all gang up on one anenome and leave the other three alone.

fish addict

Do you still have your Clarkii's? Or did they die? I think I remember reading they didn't make it. Why did you get pink skunks this time instead of getting more clarkii's?


Active Member
I like pink skunks, you dont see them alot. Everything looks great. I would pay to see this tank in person.


Active Member
ur really stocking this thing up eh? Dont you think its a little bit much? Already looking a little crowded even with the corals being so small.


I have two pink skunk clowns and love them. They are pretty neat little fish. I have to say I was a little dissapointed when my wife brought them home because I really wanted a mated pair of true perculas, but they have grown on me. Nice tank goodwin!


Active Member
Originally Posted by fish addict
Do you still have your Clarkii's? Or did they die? I think I remember reading they didn't make it. Why did you get pink skunks this time instead of getting more clarkii's?
I did loose all 5 Clarkii's in the new tank. Not sure why. I went with the Skunk's this time to have something different. I have breeding pairs in 2 of my other tanks and have never kept skunks before, so I thought that I would give them a try. Here is a picture of my pair in my 470, one is 3" and th other 2".


Active Member
Originally Posted by team2jndd
ur really stocking this thing up eh? Dont you think its a little bit much? Already looking a little crowded even with the corals being so small.
I like a lot of activity in my tanks. By viewing the web cams, that should be obvioius..... Are ther too many...I really don't know.
I believe that I have the filtration and equipment to support the load in the tank.