Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefernana
I was watching you taking pictures on Sunday I think it was. Couldn't wait to see what they were. Beautiful clams by the way. What was that box thing I saw you using with the camera in the water? Does it allow you to get closer and does it magnify? Just curious.
It's an acrylic camera box I bought online. Allows you to mount the camera in the box and partially submerge the box to get better pictures. I don't think that it really magnifies anything, just gives a clearer picture of what you are shooting.


Active Member
Originally Posted by myzislow
Nice fish tank. Where are all the SPS?

I've got a few pictures that I will get posted..hang in there....


Active Member
Originally Posted by hayden574
Those clams are really nice
I love all the different colors
I wish i could have those in my tank

I have two nice sized purple croceas arriving tomorrow along with an 8" "Spectacular colored" blue crocea. (That's how the salesman discribed it to me on the phone, will have to wait and see if I agree.)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Threed240
Awesome clams! I just picked up a crocea last weekend myself.
They are nice. I've been "clam free" in my other tanks either due to lights, flow, or someone picking on them. So far, I have been lucky and only lost one clam, which I believe was due more to shipping than anything else.


Active Member
As you may have noticed in a few of the pictures, it's snowing in my tank...not really, but I have a 5" Gold Head Goby that seems to be taking aim on my clams. Here is a shot of one of his low level passes. Notice the leather in the background.

Another shot of him taking aim......

Maybe someone with more experience than me can tell me if I need to worry about this happening to the clams.


New Member
I am not 100% shure about this, but I have herd that fish get to much sand on a clam and then the clam dies. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I think I have herd this happen to other ppl.


Originally Posted by goodwin9
It's an acrylic camera box I bought online. Allows you to mount the camera in the box and partially submerge the box to get better pictures. I don't think that it really magnifies anything, just gives a clearer picture of what you are shooting.
What a great idea! So you can just partially submerge it, right? I wondered how you got such clear closeups. I just bought some closeup lenses for my 10x digital kodak and I've been playing around with the manual settings. It's not real easy even with the adapter lenses. Kinda makes me wish I still had my old SL Minolta.


Active Member
I couldn't get a full tank shot to look very good, so I took some pictures starting from the left side moving to the right and then back.



Active Member
Originally Posted by iampumpkinman
What do you do with a 10 inch fish when it dies?
Surely not the toilet, right?

Bury it in the back yard


Active Member
Originally Posted by iampumpkinman
hmm, i suppose that could work.
what is your favorite fish at this point?
I guess that if I had to say, it would probably be the Dussimier tang. I love the colors and looks of that fish. A close second is the large Sailfin tang. By far, the friendliest fish in the tank. He loves to be touched and feeds from my hand.


Active Member
Nice pics!

As far as the sleeper goby, I have one and it's the reason why I don't have a clam yet. To much sand will kill the clam from what I have read. This is why I'm trying to find a clam that I can put on my rocks, so clams do well in the sand, others do better on the rocks, so that's what I'm looking for. I do have an open brain though that gets covered from time to time, but the current blows the sand off in time and as of yet it doesn't seem to bother the open brain.