Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Nice pics!

As far as the sleeper goby, I have one and it's the reason why I don't have a clam yet. To much sand will kill the clam from what I have read. This is why I'm trying to find a clam that I can put on my rocks, so clams do well in the sand, others do better on the rocks, so that's what I'm looking for. I do have an open brain though that gets covered from time to time, but the current blows the sand off in time and as of yet it doesn't seem to bother the open brain.
I have been taking pictures of the clams the past couple of days and have notice that the sand from past pictures is gone, or not as bad, a day later. I'm not sure if this is the clams doing this or the current, but I have been watching them closely. The goby is a real dead eye and doesn't miss. I too have heard about placing them in the orcks and will try if it gets too bad. A few of these clams have been in the tank for a couple of months so I think that they should be alright. (knock on wood).


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Your Sailfin tang is huge! How big would you say he is? And this is a normal Sailfin, right? Not the Redsea?

The large sailfin is about 8" or so. Normal sailfin, not from the Red Sea. He has a heck of a personality!


Active Member
Originally Posted by hayden574
Do you have a sohal tang???
I dont think I have ever seen one in the tank, but I was not shure.
The Sohal I placed in this tank had a hard time getting along so I was able to net him and move him to another tank. The same thing happened with the Achilles, which seems to be getting along with everyone in the 470.


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
The large sailfin is about 8" or so. Normal sailfin, not from the Red Sea. He has a heck of a personality!
Do you have any idea how long it takes them to get to 8"? I have one, but it's only about 2" if I stretch him.
I've only had him for about two weeks, but he's fun to watch.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Do you have any idea how long it takes them to get to 8"? I have one, but it's only about 2" if I stretch him.
I've only had him for about two weeks, but he's fun to watch.
Just a month or two....depending upon how much you feed...LOL I'm not really sure, he was very large when I got him. The two smallers one that I have had for 4 months have probably grown an inch. I am a little surprised at the growth a number of the fish have done. I'm not sure if it's because the size of the tank, or if I am just feeding the tank a lot more. Both the Vlamingii and Unicorn have grown at least an inch in the past couple of months.
I'll try and make a video of the sailfin so that you can see what he does when I touch him. He rolls on his side like a dog and wants to be touched.


Active Member
Do you have any idea how long it takes them to get to 8"?
i got one when he was about 4 inches and he stretched to over 8 inches within a year of me having him, but i also had him in my 300 gallon where he loved to swim back and fourth causing trouble and patrolling the tank..


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
I'll try and make a video of the sailfin so that you can see what he does when I touch him. He rolls on his side like a dog and wants to be touched.
Oh, I have to see that!!! I have noticed that my Sailfin is not as shy as my Hippo Tang was (in the QT). He comes right to the top when he knows I'm about ready to feed him. Seems every time I get a new fish it becomes my new favorite. Have to love this hobby!
ugh i'm so jealous !!! your tank is so colorful with your fishies! i want a bigger tank NOW! lol

i love the yellow belly hippo! everyone look nice and healthly!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mach03InFront
did you QT the Mustard (Guttatus) Tang ???
No I didn't, it was much too big for the QT tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hefner413
That video is crazy!!!
Do they ever get a bite of you goodwin?
Just nibbles........


Active Member
Originally Posted by brandon7491
imo way way way overstocked for an sps tank man. sell ur fish and just get loads of coral lol
I was thinking overstocked period - especially once everything grows out...

Sweet tank and videos though, it looks like a public aquarium exhibit.


Active Member
look at the set up, he might be able to pull it off. the whole system costs money, he knew that going in. yes it is crowded but i would bet that his equipment can handle it. i would assume that he knew how many he was going to put in and the equipment to handle it. it is possible for him to do this. normally we wouldnt do this cause im not spending 10k on a 125g system.... but please believe if i had the money i would have a sick set up.
im not trying to promote this but ease up alittle i think he got it


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
I was thinking overstocked period - especially once everything grows out...

Sweet tank and videos though, it looks like a public aquarium exhibit.
I'd have to agree, the tank is pretty full to its capacity. The tank and equipment was designed for a heavily stocked tank. As things grown and mature, I am fortunate to have the ability to moves things to one of my other tanks. With the exception of some of the SPS corals, everything else seems to be doing well in the tank.