Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick http:///forum/post/2685155
You're starting an octopus tank. That would be truly epic. Of course, you could pull a "Steve Jobs" and act like nothing is happening until the day it's unveiled... and if you really want to model after him, wait until the very end of a very looong keynote.
Are you a Mac guy or PC? iPhone 3G in your pocket? It's in mine... and it's awesome... except for the battery life.
I've done to Octopus tank, , I'm just waiting on a few parts and trying to figure out how to get it all plumbed together...
PC guy without an iphone.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by bill109
wow i havent looked at this thread in a long time...
can you addd any more fish to this tank?
look at a blotched anthias.. plus i want to see some good shotz of one =) lol
im not trying to tell u how to spend your money lol
I've looked at those, but with nearly 100 fish in the tank, there probably isn't room for more Anthias....Maybe in the new tank???


Active Member
I love watching this thread. very cool from start to "finish" I love looking at your varieties of fish.
Question: you mentioned that your water quality isnt good enough for SPS. what about it do you think is the factor there? is it nitrogenous wastes? tank maturity? problems maintaining elemental balance? I'm just curious as I would love to see that tank full of large SPS and your vast array of fish. I would definatly enjoy hashing over some Ideas to bring the water up to par for SPS. if you wanted of course.


Active Member
A few new corals arrived today, 4 Goniopors (Flower Pots, 2 - red & 2 metallic green). Along with 2 Blue Zoanthias...

Unique shape with this metallic green flower pot, can hardly wait to see what it look like when it opens.

Good sized Blue Zoanthias, hope it looks nice when it opens....


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
I love watching this thread. very cool from start to "finish" I love looking at your varieties of fish.
Question: you mentioned that your water quality isnt good enough for SPS. what about it do you think is the factor there? is it nitrogenous wastes? tank maturity? problems maintaining elemental balance? I'm just curious as I would love to see that tank full of large SPS and your vast array of fish. I would definatly enjoy hashing over some Ideas to bring the water up to par for SPS. if you wanted of course.
I believe it is the Nitrates which I have the biggest issue with. The following is test results taken at the end of April. (I like to have someone double check my testing..) I think that these results are a good shot or the water quality in the tank. Nitites and Ammonia always seem to be at zero or very close to zero when I test. Given these results, IS the water good enought for SPS corals?


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
I believe it is the Nitrates which I have the biggest issue with. The following is test results taken at the end of April. (I like to have someone double check my testing..) I think that these results are a good shot or the water quality in the tank. Nitites and Ammonia always seem to be at zero or very close to zero when I test. Given these results, IS the water good enought for SPS corals?

given these test results,
IMO I would say yes the tank should be able to sustain several types of sps at this point, the ammonia and nitrite levels shown on that test reflect naturally occuring amounts as waste transitions through the nitrogen cycle. nitrates at 3.1 are definatly within the range that most sps can tolerate, zero of course is always preferable, but in a fish heavy system not always acheiveable.
I would tend to focus more on the phosphates, while not extremely high, phos can inhibit the growth of corals and algaes that calcify, (up to the point of death in high amounts). Phosphates inhibit calcification.
I wouldnt even fret the dissolved silica, as it feeds diatoms which also consume nitrogenous wastes, when scrubbed from glass/acrylic diatoms feed some corals, and are fractionated out of the water by skimmers thus removing more nitrogenous waste.
you may even find that with the addition of many sps the nitrogenous waste amounts will reduce as often times SPS feed on fish waste. we have to remember fish only process about 30% of the nutrition in food so 70% goes back into the water, often used as food for other creatures, like corals, polycheate, sponges, etc.
what sort of reef "janitors" do you have in the tank, perhaps adding key species in the chain of life will help balance out the influx and removal. such as filterfeeders, detritivores, and such.


Active Member
Have gotten on heck of a headache from the glue, I will be pleasantly surprised if...
1. The coupler fits to the pump coupler and doesn't leak. Same problem as before, no valve between the sump and the pump..
2. All the pieces I glued together don't drip or leak.
3. The ADVIL works and gets rid of my headache...


Active Member
Ready with towels, sponge, buckets, & a shop vac, I was ready to removed the union and attatch the new one......



Active Member
Surprisingly, without flooding the entire basement, I was able to remove the union and attatch the union from the new manifold. A couple of good turns with the wrenches and there are no leaks, at least with the pump off. Have the manifold in a temporary location before deciding where to place it permanently.

Now if I can just find where I keep the bandaids.......


I have always wanted to see you feed your fish, and I just did! That is a heck of alot of food!
I also got a great view of the black tang out in front!