Startin up a 24gal AqPod Reef


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Originally Posted by peef
Looking great! Glad to see you back on the boards. That algae I would say is either coraline or cyano. Can you blow it off or gently rub it off? Is it slimy or rough?
Nah its definitely not cyano. Just some odd calcerous algae that likes to plate off the rocks. I like it thought, great shade of red haha


Active Member
Tomorrow Im going to undertake my first fragging project. Going to hit up everything in the tank, and hopefully I can make a little from them. IF anyones interested in anything in the above pictures, shoot me a pm and we can work something out. Will update on how it goes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
What are you using for filtration in the back chambers?
Just the blue sponges, and I realized the other day that theres some ceramic rings in a bag back there as well. Just what came with the tank.
And my fragging project was a success, but not nearly on the scale I wanted it to be. I tried with 3 different polyps, cutting with a razor at the base, and supergluing to a different rock. Ive got about 20 more polyps that gotta go, and I dont want to keep doing it this way. I may just break the rock next week with a flathead screwdriver and hammer and make my own frags, and reaquascape.


Active Member
Yah Paintballer768, fragging palys is rather slimy. They get really slimy to the touch. I just leave mine alone and let them grow like crazy :) HEHHEE. i couldnt try to frag mine if i wanted anyways cuz they have already started growing on big rocks and i wouldnt want to take out any rocks out of my tank. BUT LOOking good. POST NEW PICS !


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Slimy is right. Im going to let them grow, but if the mushroom becomes too much of a problem, I have no issues with just straight up killing it. I dont like mushrooms lol.


Active Member
Originally Posted by paintballer768
Slimy is right. Im going to let them grow, but if the mushroom becomes too much of a problem, I have no issues with just straight up killing it. I dont like mushrooms lol.
No killing send them to me!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
No killing send them to me!!!
Hahah ok, if I decide to, Ill shoot you a PM. Its not like overnight shipping to 4 hours away should cost a lot. And whenever you get ready to frag anything, let me know too!
Im getting birthday money in the next month so Ive been thinking what I can do with the tank. I really would like to reaquascape but I think that would be too hard with the fish in the tank and the corals set in, so Ill just let things take their course.
Also, I ordered a frag of purple montipora digitata from user scottminot. Pics once its in.


Active Member
Nice looking frag. What type of lights do you have to be able to sustain that coral in it and also dont you think you need some more LR ? Doesnt looking like many lbs worth in there. still looks good though


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blazin2k6
Nice looking frag. What type of lights do you have to be able to sustain that coral in it and also dont you think you need some more LR ? Doesnt looking like many lbs worth in there. still looks good though
I have the 150 watt MH. And yea I do but everything is so settled in that I dont want to mess with it. I have 30 lbs in there already. Once I frag the top rock, Im going to just break it up and then Ill buy more LR. Until then, alls good.


Active Member
Small update. My Coral Beauty Angel apparently has been getting hungrier and hungrier, and has proceeded to wipe out my yellow polyps in a time lapse of about 2 weeks. 30+ polyps gone. And hes been getting mysis every other day, with normal feedings being flake. Let this be a warning to anyone who gets an angel for their reef system


Active Member
Wow 30 lbs there ? Well thats is plenty enough but it just didnt look like but about 10 i guess its the way its setup. And great tip. I was going to buy a Golden Angel once but i didnt cause i was scared it would nip at the corals.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blazin2k6
Wow 30 lbs there ? Well thats is plenty enough but it just didnt look like but about 10 i guess its the way its setup. And great tip. I was going to buy a Golden Angel once but i didnt cause i was scared it would nip at the corals.
It doesnt look like much in the pictures, but it looks alot more in person. And yea, he went without any noticable injuries to corals for a few months now, but Ive been busy and feeding them flake for the last few days and Im assuming that wasnt enough. So 1 meal flake, 1 meal mysis daily.


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Got a small zoanthid frag from the LFS for $7. Not anything spectacular but I got 3 different morphs on a 5 polyp frag. Pictures in a little while.


Active Member
So the zoanthids havent opened completely yet, only a few are open at any time.
I ordered a protein skimmer and a phosphate test kit to test my water, and once I get everything in place I hope to start going the SPS route. I chose the Oceanic Biocube skimmer and will let you all know what its like after I have it in place and start to see results.
And the thing that Im proudest maroon has started hosting me GSP!! This is the best picture I could get of him but usually hes sideways rubbing all over them.


Active Member
Got a ORA Duncan frag, beautiful colors and a beautiful price. Pictures once it opens! I also got the Oceanic Biocube protein skimmer that Im very happy with, my only complaint being it doesnt fit in the back of the Aquapod 24 too well, and the collection cup requires me to empty it daily (at least for now as its breaking in still)


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Well you know hes gonna now just out of spite... LOL. Sweet looking duncan, I like it a lot.
LOL he hasnt yet. The duncan looks great! I cant wait to frag it
. LFS was selling 4 heads for $130, yet my piece was definitely a fresh frag. Makes no sense haha