Startin up a 24gal AqPod Reef


Active Member
WOOO NICE PICS AND THE CLOWN IS BEAUTIFUL. WHY cant my clowns host anything :( HEHE. My b/w clowns seem to host in my palys alot and run all over and in the sideways and stuff but thats about the only thing they mess with. and my other clowns only swim near top of tank. But i love all of em the same :) But that maroon clown is so cool looking in the gsp. Will it kill the coral though ? I heard they can kill corals except anemone. How much was the duncan if i can ask ? When i bought mine 1 head was 45 dollars. It has 3 babies popped up now though :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blazin2k6
WOOO NICE PICS AND THE CLOWN IS BEAUTIFUL. WHY cant my clowns host anything :( HEHE. My b/w clowns seem to host in my palys alot and run all over and in the sideways and stuff but thats about the only thing they mess with. and my other clowns only swim near top of tank. But i love all of em the same :) But that maroon clown is so cool looking in the gsp. Will it kill the coral though ? I heard they can kill corals except anemone. How much was the duncan if i can ask ? When i bought mine 1 head was 45 dollars. It has 3 babies popped up now though :)
Clown can "rub" a coral to death over time. My initial frag of GSP was free from a friend and had an area of like 1" so its pretty big now, Im not worried about it.
Duncan was $30, and Im spot feeding it mysis the first few days to ensure it gets acclimated great. It just ate like a champ a few minutes ago so Im proud


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blazin2k6
Looks really pretty. I think that duncan is the same exact kind i have :) well good luck with it.
Cool haha. Its kinda funny because I dont think alot of people have em, yet theyre fairly well priced, and in my opinion VERY pretty.


Active Member
Thanks. Those people eaters I got IDed as just normal people eaters, nothing special. Yet IVe gotten a bigger response on the oranges. Ive named them Armageddon Look Alikes. Ive got a list, so Im going to break the rock this weekend into small frags (mostly, except for a few special orders for larger pieces) and see how many I can get. Then Ill PM some people and see how it goes.
Also going to be setting up an area for some chaeto in the back.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
hey am I in line for a couple polyps? I gotta be

You are now haha. I hope I have enough to go around
. I counted earlier and got lost around 85, and from what I can guess, Im maybe at 120 or so. Now hopefully the breaking of the rock does well and makes good portions.