Subielover's Biocube 14 Diary


Active Member
Yeah they do, a little worried about the bioload but I will do my best with it. If it gets to be too much, than I guess I will get rid of it, we shall see. Anyhow, it was open this morning and I fed all the heads that were open with mysis. It was very beautiful when it was open. Even when its not open it is a very vibrant orange, and when the heads come out they are a vibrant yellow. If I can get them to come out during the day, I will definitely post some pics.


Active Member
Bumped up my cleaning crew once again. I added a mexican turbo and another trochus snail. That brings my total, give or take 1 to 5 cerith, 3 nassarius, 2 caribbean turbos, 1 mexican turbo, 2 trochus and a bunch of stomatella snails. Sounds like a lot and it is, they are everywhere, lol. I think I am maxed out honestly at this point. Once this algae is all gone, I am either gonna have to find some new homes for some of them or add algae sheets. No big deal though, I just thought more would definitely help. The mexican turbo seems to be really chowing down.
I will keep up this thread up to date with my algae battle.


Active Member
I fed my sun coral this evening and here are some pics I took right after. All the heads aren't fully extended but it looks great. Also can anyone id the darker polyp, is that a black sun coral?
This pic is when the coral first started to open.

Little more.

Getting stronger.

What is this black polyp?

I like this one.


Active Member

Again with the black polyp...

My new feather duster looking cool.

Thoughts, suggestions, trash talk...bring it on.


Active Member
Maybe its just the newb in me, but my first thought of that black polyp was aiptasia. I did a google search in images and the darker photos look similar to it. Though I'm pretty sure you would know its aiptasia if you saw it. That is just my first impresion of it.

Sun coral looks awesome and cool to see it opening!


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
If you touch the black one does it retract right away?
Yes it does, but it doesn't retract back into the rock. It retracts but it looks like a zoa that is closed. I have never had aiptasia (that I am aware of) so I am a little lost.


Active Member
Could mean Aiptasia or Majano but try touching the sun coral polyp and see if it reatracts at he same rate. If I am guessing correctly the sun polyp should retract slower than the other if the other is indeed an anemone.
I did not ask originally but when the dark colored one retracts does it leave the large cylindrical base like the sun coral does?