Subielover's Biocube 14 Diary


Active Member
So I think tomorrow the bicolor blenny is getting a new home. Sad as it may be, he just isn't very reef friendly. I think I am going to get another false perc to pair with my current perc. The clown I have now is really small, so I will most likely have to buy a bigger one. Hope the detritus doesn't hit the fan.


Active Member
Ughh, just had to basically take my tank apart to remove the blenny. What a nightmare. Everything is cloudy and all stirred up. Can't believe I didn't crush my sixline. I hope I never have to do that again.


Active Member
Aha! Opportunity to remove a lot of the algae, water change and new scape!!!!!!! Can't wait to see new pictures!!!!!


Active Member
doh! that sucks. Too bad about the blenny, looks like he enjoyed your buffet of corals too much. He will be missed but sounds like you made the right choice and you will probably be happier in the long run.


Active Member
whats that a pic tease????

I should talk..Mr. NO PIC's....Hope the new scape came out good , I am sure it looks great


Active Member
Haha, thanks nwdyr for stopping by.
I will get some new pics up today at some point. I really like the new aquascape so hopefully other people will too.


Active Member
Hey whisk

Here are the new pics as promised...
Couple full tank shots here.

Some shots looking from the top-down.




Active Member
The new aquascape looks good! And al the coral look very happy! Good job!
And u seem to be winnin that algea battle big tme!!!!!


Active Member
subie, that set up looks great, youve definitely done a sweet job, i just hope mine looks as good as all of ya'lls tanks


Active Member
Thanks bro, I am sure your tank will come out great. You have been putting in the time learning about the hobby before you have a tank, which is exactly what I did. We should consider ourselves lucky that we didn't learn about this hobby from our lfs'


Yeah i'm soooo happy i found this forum because without it i would be taken advise from my lfs...THANKS EVERY1


Active Member
yeah, im uber thankful that i found this forum, cause i woulda gone into a lfs, been sold a bill of goods, and more than likely be in jail cause i whooped up on someone for sellin me said bill of goods LOL