I was not expecting coralline yet, especially since it started from the snail shells. I have lots of pods in the chaeto and many getting big. The refugium is the best piece in helping my tank mature.
I just finished a 5 gallon WC and got the wife to help, well she made sure I didnt spill any water on the floor. I finally got a turkey baster and blow off the rocks this time.
Planning on adding to the bioload tomorrow. Got lots of ideas but never know what I might get from the not so LFS.
I just finished a 5 gallon WC and got the wife to help, well she made sure I didnt spill any water on the floor. I finally got a turkey baster and blow off the rocks this time.
Planning on adding to the bioload tomorrow. Got lots of ideas but never know what I might get from the not so LFS.