


You have to admit, the nuts and bolts of our hobby really isn't very exciting! I wish there was a little more realism to these situations but in reality, most of these systems rely more on biological filtration rather than a more natural biological filter. The corals and rock are all fake, there really is no rock to cycle, it can be done........ The aclimation and additions of the fish was the main thing I saw and thought was a little off.

jackie dh

Check out the tank that they built in Scotland! WOW! The show may be goofy but they really know how to build a tank!! There is even a swimming pool at the bottom level of the tank, can you imagine! It would be almost like swimming with you fish!


either which way i think they should add educational info even if it is a 30 sec. bit...love the show and its great work but it's incomplete in certain areas that i believe to be important in this hobby just my .02
surprised I didn't hear about the phone booth yet
did you see that they had about 7-8 yellow tangs in a 4x4 phone booth
the gallonage may be big (400+ gallons at my estimation) but they have no room to swim and establish territories
so I guess I'm playing tang police on this one


Active Member
Originally Posted by cubnb79 http:///t/387359/tanked/20#post_3409622
lol yea and all those damsels i was like nnnnooooooooo lol
well, look at some of the people on the threads at what they have in their tanks. May not be what "we" would have in our systems but it works for them and the fish seem healthy. I like the show strictly for the creativity of these builds, and only the ideas. I believe that we as "responsible" owners of our lil seas on the table would know better to do half the things these "Yanks" do. My hats off to them tho, I'm sure they are hearing all the comments made by people but I love there ideas. Personally, I would have never even dreamed of a phone booth tank.
Originally Posted by Kiefers http:///t/387359/tanked/20#post_3409650
well, look at some of the people on the threads at what they have in their tanks. May not be what "we" would have in our systems but it works for them and the fish seem healthy. I like the show strictly for the creativity of these builds, and only the ideas. I believe that we as "responsible" owners of our lil seas on the table would know better to do half the things these "Yanks" do. My hats off to them tho, I'm sure they are hearing all the comments made by people but I love there ideas. Personally, I would have never even dreamed of a phone booth tank.
Agree 100%
I emailed animalplanet veiwer relations and am waiting on a response
hope they get the Idea


Active Member
Originally Posted by cubnb79 http:///t/387359/tanked/20#post_3409747
but there's hope but i agree with kiefers...its unfortunate
tivoed the auto build episode and currently watching these guys goof around and be silly. I am impressed with this episode because they have focused on QT'ing and acclimating the new inhabitants of the tank. The future is looking a tad brighter. I still am baffled nonetheless how this big Italian thinks he can just take these critters out of the water and play with them like the eels and cow fish. Lol....hmmmmm
Its not the fish that bothered me its the stars that made me cringe
also I got a reply from animal planet:
Dear Viewer:
Thank you for contacting Animal Planet. We appreciate your correspondence
and for taking the time to share your thoughts and concerns with us about
In an effort to ensure the highest quality programming, comments such as
these are taken very seriously. Each and every comment is forwarded on to
our programming executives for review and consideration. Maintaining the
integrity of all of our networks is our primary goal. It is these types of
comments that contribute to creating change and improving our programming.
Again, thank you for contacting Animal Planet.
Viewer Relations
Animal Planet
Do you think this will make a difference?


what did you send them??? that way we all can read what you send and we all can see if there's any change or improvement to what was sent


Active Member
it might...... you never really know until we see the changes for ourselves. Most likely however, that reply was from an automatic response program. i could be wrong.


Active Member
Originally Posted by clown-keeper99 http:///t/387359/tanked/20#post_3409990
Its not the fish that bothered me its the stars that made me cringe
also I got a reply from animal planet:
Dear Viewer:
Thank you for contacting Animal Planet. We appreciate your correspondence
and for taking the time to share your thoughts and concerns with us about
In an effort to ensure the highest quality programming, comments such as
these are taken very seriously. Each and every comment is forwarded on to
our programming executives for review and consideration. Maintaining the
integrity of all of our networks is our primary goal. It is these types of
comments that contribute to creating change and improving our programming.
Again, thank you for contacting Animal Planet.
Viewer Relations
Animal Planet
Do you think this will make a difference?
Unfortunatley, no... I agree with kiefers... probably an automated message service or something

tangs rule

Active Member
Originally Posted by clown-keeper99 http:///t/387359/tanked/20#post_3410108
I told them they should have a dissclaimer or have some more education about properly setting marine aquariums
Yup - like what's the "owners" gonna do when fish start dying? They've NO ability or knowledge done, haven't read any books, done NO research, and couldn't tell a healthy fish from one that's dead - till it's dead..They've no equipment to Qtine or treat problems either....A more careless and reckless group of salesmen I cannot imagine. Sure they MAY be able to set up a "quality" system - but most species of our fishes cannot/will not ever reproduce in a home system, and there's a limit to how many can be harvested to only appease the stupid with money to piss away. And cramming 30-40 fishes into a 4x4x7 vertical tank with allot of plastic crap in it is NO WAY to run a tank, IMO. It must take a breed of tossers I did not imagine till I saw it.....an absolute disgrace. Piss Poor would be light years ahead of the asinine clowns that'd set up a 1000 gal tank with 90deg tap water, only to cool it with ice from some crap machine - -then pour fishes from bags into it....... and what makes it cool? flat screen TVs inside the tank???? Used to be a nice tank is what you set up to avoid the &#%$ on the TV. If the morons who I saw set up such an abortion of a tank(s) as I did on the season opener were a race-horse, you'd shoot it to mitigate the misery. The only comparison to the galacticly stupid "pros" the show features are the idiots who buy a pit-bull or Rottweiler as the "family pet" only to have it eat and kill the children - then wonder "why".........
My expectations for redemption of the clowns promoted in the program are very low.