1 I would hate to give them up.... I've had them for 3 years now, & they have been trough all the changes in the tank.
2 Nobody really wants them.... Saltwater, Columbian Sharks ...its unheard of... anyway I'm making space for the new tank to be able to keep th sharks in this 29..... but seems like a lot of work for what 90+ gals for 9 fish? overkill?
i'd get a 120 use your damsels to cycle it (most ppl would say not to but i say hey why not) then trade the damsels in keep your clowns and start a crazily awesome FOWLR. You could keep some of the larger angels and tangs as well as other puffers and such. Just my dream tank lol
Well it's a choice that you're going to have to make. Eventually that 29 is going to be too small for the sharks. So what are you going to do with them then? So any other missing fish since the Isolation of the sharks? Mine params are off... not like normal... Just did an exam. Nitrate = 5 , Nitrite = .1 , ammonia = .1 , Calcium = 500, akalinity = 140, phosphate = 0 , ph = 7.7 , Salinity = 1.024 Maybe it's the 3 fish in 3 days I added.
1 I would hate to give them up.... I've had them for 3 years now, & they have been trough all the changes in the tank.
2 Nobody really wants them.... Saltwater, Columbian Sharks ...its unheard of... anyway I'm making space for the new tank to be able to keep th sharks in this 29..... but seems like a lot of work for what 90+ gals for 9 fish? overkill?
OOPs .... Well the sharks only grow to 10" if at 6 already ... I've got a couple of years ..... haven't lost anything since the Royal Gramma & the orange Percula went missing around Christmas.
120 gals? that's a lot of tank!!! lol NEW2U what is "FOWLR"???
Originally posted by DanJ
haven't lost anything since the Royal Gramma & the orange Percula went missing around Christmas.
I think we found you problem. Them catfish were hungry LOL just like my star. Have to go and feed tooday. Seems Like I'm feeding it more often lately. Last feeding was a day and ahalf ago.
Originally posted by TimO
Well, a [font: arabic] [size: 5] [feeling: nice] happy new year to you too, whatever that means!
DanJ forgot to close all the tags.
He was trying to do something like this....
Happy New New Year
Hello ... So how are we all feeling today??
You'll never guess .... Another fish dissapeared over night..... the small b&W Percula vanished..... & remember the sharks are not in that tank..... any ideas????
Originally posted by DanJ
Hello ... So how are we all feeling today??
You'll never guess .... Another fish dissapeared over night..... the small b&W Percula vanished..... & remember the sharks are not in that tank..... any ideas????
:scared: :scared: :scared:
:nervous: :nervous: hmmm ummm ummm.... Speechless.
Let me think.
wait wait wait could it be the anenome? that would make since the clown tried to host and it ate him. I could decinatly see the anenome being the culprit
Danj: You have an Anemone???
If you do I still see it kinda difficult, because you say it was the percula that disappeared. They usually know better. But it is possible. Again if you have one... I don't remeber you posting anything about having one.
Originally posted by DanJ
New2.... I have 2 black Percula claowns, 2 hawaiian damsels, 1 velvet damsel, 4 yellow tail damsels, 1 firefish goby. Also have a Hatian aneome, 3 or 4 snails 2 pepermint shrimp & maybe 4 or 5 hermit crabs. Now I know there is supposed to be 1 orange percula & 1 royal gramma but neither have been seen in a day or so.
Magoo.... I'm a diehard Earnhart fan ... but also a Tony Stewart fan ... I used to follow hin in the IRL.....
He mentioned it a few days ago.