The Official Insomniac MEGATHREAD


Originally Posted by Zilly
Canad. lol I KNOW I KNOW!!!
Yeah, Unfortunately SWF cannot ship there because of customs. It stinks that they can't, but they cannot. Do you have a friend on the US side? You could have stuff sent to them then take it upon yourself to bring it over. In any case, enjoy the boards. We are all here should you have any questions


why is it you think that alot of lfs tell the complete opposite on starting a tank? i know they are in it for the money, but don't they know that eventually people are going to stumble upon sites like this, and realize that that they are full of bs. why would it be in the stores best intrest to tell people this and lose customers? do you think it's that they don't care, or that they don't know any better?


Originally Posted by wfd1008
why is it you think that alot of lfs tell the complete opposite on starting a tank? i know they are in it for the money, but don't they know that eventually people are going to stumble upon sites like this, and realize that that they are full of bs. why would it be in the stores best intrest to tell people this and lose customers? do you think it's that they don't care, or that they don't know any better?
They make a ton of money on the helpless souls that do not know about this site or do not want to buy online. There is always a fresh supply of unknowing, new, hobbyists out there.


yep it is LOL so is griffithville so we are in the same boat. I take here over there any day though WAY WAY WAY to dry for me LOL


Originally Posted by wfd1008
why is it you think that alot of lfs tell the complete opposite on starting a tank? i know they are in it for the money, but don't they know that eventually people are going to stumble upon sites like this, and realize that that they are full of bs. why would it be in the stores best intrest to tell people this and lose customers? do you think it's that they don't care, or that they don't know any better?
actually most of the stores that do that dont know any better and thats the way they learned the hobby and is the only way that they know so they recomend it. Now others are just bad stores that dont care and the worse the system the more fish they sell or bottles of miracal cures in bottles.


Active Member
lol those little tropical storms (Well not little) have been givin us some rain at least. But you know how it is in West texas just enough to make ur car look a mess ESP WHEN ITS black. Gets it wet then the wind picks up and ur cars a freakin muddy mess from blowin dust around!!


Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
lol those little tropical storms (Well not little) have been givin us some rain at least. But you know how it is in West texas just enough to make ur car look a mess ESP WHEN ITS black. Gets it wet then the wind picks up and ur cars a freakin muddy mess from blowin dust around!!
Midland is boring.....and muddy


LOL O yeah I remember those dust storms and if it rained an inch or so EVERYTHING was flooded cause the ground was so hard and dry.
sorry dont miss it one bit LOL just wish we had mr aquarium here instead of Lubbock LOL


Active Member
haaha yeah it floods easy. Drainage sucks since we dont expect to get much rain so when we get a little big everything comes to a stop. Its funny how it rains and we get 2 inches of snow and school is canceled and all that, but other places u get 10 inches and nothing happens.
Yeah Ive met good ole Jenny and Tobin before. It was a while back though. She doesnt wanna hangout with me im just a little kid. me and my gf cant like go drink w her or nothing or do anything cool...
I was at Mr Aqua about 2 weeks ago. Cant help but spend a good amount of money everytime I go in there. Always come out at least 200 in debit. Got my 40 breeer for free by using my rewards card. I love the owner of the store though. Knows a lot about hobby and isnt in it to rip ppl off. Hes always going out of his way to make sure whoever is buying knows what theyre gettin into.
I dont now if u ever went to the Abliene store when u were out this way or if it was even up. But they got a very nice store as well. Ive only been once, but I need to go back out that way to check it out.
Also the store in San Angelo is very nice. I like it a lot cuz its saltwater only so its nice to go in there and not have to walk through a freshwater side. Also they have a sick display tank. Its awesome!