Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
Since the begining of man-kind, Man has worship the Elemental Gods cause they feared the thunder and prayed for rain. They actually believed that by praying they stoped the thunders and brought rain.. So they went on to worshipping the Heavenly Gods(in the sky) Man believed the Heavenly Gods were the resting place of their souls to be loved... and be feared... The bible says it!
"And lest thou lift up the eyes unto Heaven, and when thou seest the Sun, and the Moon, and the stars,even all the host of Heaven, shouldest be driven to worship them, and served them" Deutoronomy 4:19
Why do you think all previous Gods before jesus had halos on their heads too? cause they symbolize the SUN.(the son of God). I know jesus doesn't have a halo but he had the crown of thorns which represents a sun.
If you'd notice all gods worship the sun, but of course it sounds insane to worship the Sun in the 20th Century..we're more sophisticated and civilized than that..
"And God made two great lights, The greater light(Sun) to rule the day and the lesser light(moon) to rule the night" Genesis 1:17
The moon represents the female Energy and the Sun the male energy which was ment to rule ALL. Jesus= "the light of the world"
Man invented Gods not only to give humans something to worship....but also something to fear... The goal is to control people with "fear" cause people can't be controled by force so they use the form of religion, which is an ingenious form of "mind control".
Now, present world leaders are trying to play Gods worshipping the "All seeing Eye"(aka $$$)Its all part of the Illuminati civilization..(you guys know what the trilateral commision is?).. Look at the back of the $1 dollar bill, at the left side, the pyramid with the EYE.
Now look at the banner under the pyramid, Do you people know what "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM" means?
FYI, it means= NEW WORLD ORDER! its the new idea for the world, US senior president George Bush announced it(decades ago)..Why do you think is in the back of the dollar???
Anyways here's a question, Jesus said: "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God"
when jesus said that, the "ONLY" word of GOD was the Old testament back then ..So now you guys are reading the New testament? How accurate can the New testament be? if there was no messiah after jesus..
here's something interesting about religion..The book of mormons says: "And there was a blackness came upon all the children of Canaan, that they were despised among all people"
mormons believe that black people are the descendents of canaan, And that darkness was a curse that God gave them for the murder of Abel.. So if you ask me that sounds like a racist GOD.
Satan's greatest trick was convincing man he didn't exist.
You are so off base here. The book of Morman is a book written by a man based off of his interpretation of the Bible. There are many different theories of what the mark pf Cane was and the Bible does not say what the mark was and why people try to interpret it. The mark's purpose was to protect Cane from people wanting to mess with him or kill him. The author of the Book of Morman may be racist, but not God. You are writing about things you have heard or read, but you don't know what you are talking about. Mormans also believe that Jesus came over and taught in the Americas after he ascended into heaven. Basically the book of Morman is not at all consistant to what is in the Bible.
The pyramid on the back of the $1 is based on our founding fathers being Freemasons- and that the illumanati and new world order is based on something satanic
What you mention above about the Old Testament is way off.. your interpretation of the Bible needs work. The moon and the sun don't represent anything in those passages except what they are. In Deut. 4:19 our Moses words talking about how God created all these things and that He should be worshiped... I wish I had a Bible with me here so I could give you a better explaination. But you should be more careful w/ how you read the Bible.
One thing you are right about is the greatest feat by Satan is tricking people that he doesn't exist... which is like my reference to the Matrix. just keep reading your post... there are so many errors in it