troy's 29g biocube diary


Active Member
sorry... its fine i didnt get the bulb yet but im alowed back on the comp so ill be updating tomorow itl probly be here. but i dont know if i can get corals i wana buy a switchblade on paypal lol.. but for christmas my dadys givin me $500 to setup my 90 gallon but $100 is goin to an ro/di whatya think is that enough money to just start it out im gona buy used lr lol and ima usse most of biocube lr ima turn that eather a clown anemone or frag probly the frag tank ima sell some birdsnest and zoas


Active Member
i wana do a stocklist for my 90g (what i want NOT what i have)
-kole tang
-yellow tang
-2 clowns (the one in biocube and B&W occeleris)
- ywg (flounder already in biocube hes my avatar)
-midas blenny (they make me happy idk why)
-a few chromis
is this too much lmk
-bubble tip anemone
-hermits many of them
-hollaween hermit
-maxima clam or derasa
-almost forgot tiger pistol shrimp
everything i can get!!! (besides elegance coral its very ugly and very expensive)