Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
my lfs store had a undualted trigger on sale for 32 bucks and I bought and put it in my 30 gal tank! Trigger is beautiful and happy!
These guys can get to be a foot long; he won't be "happy" in a 30 gal very long; neither will any other living creature in the tank. IMO, a 30 isn't anywhere big enough for this fish, or any trigger; but I hope it works. Aggressive, growing fish + not enough room= disaster
my lfs store had a undualted trigger on sale for 32 bucks and I bought and put it in my 30 gal tank! Trigger is beautiful and happy!
These guys can get to be a foot long; he won't be "happy" in a 30 gal very long; neither will any other living creature in the tank. IMO, a 30 isn't anywhere big enough for this fish, or any trigger; but I hope it works. Aggressive, growing fish + not enough room= disaster