Originally Posted by JayC
Well that sucks, but this hobby is very expensive. I dont really have a job either. I mow grass during the summer at my church. But thats just during the summer. I cant wait til I get a real job though!!
Thanks for the info. I think I'll set it up tomarrow. I'm suppose to get it on Thurs. I also ordered some more stuff, because they had free shipping on orders over $125. Besides the hippo I ordered a fire shrimp, bubble anenome, some super colored zoos, and some more different type of snails. I cant wait til it comes!!!
Talk to ya later,
So how'd you pay for the order you just got? I want pics when they come! I think I will just throw another fluorescent strip of light on my tank for a total of 4 bulbs, 160 watts, and 3 watts a gallon. Thats enough for softies and thats really all I want to do. Let me know how your zoos look...I may pay for some frags, or trade.