Updated pics of 55


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Originally Posted by Space_Geek
Thanks Testieone! To be honest, I am surprised myself that I havent been flamed yet about the hippo tang...
woops.... i was going to say something. i guess you spoke too soon

do you have a larger place to put it once it gets a lot bigger?


Active Member
Lookin good Adam!!! Have to agree I like the aquascaping!!! Havent talked to you in awhile. How you been doing?


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Originally Posted by fishieness
woops.... i was going to say something. i guess you spoke too soon

do you have a larger place to put it once it gets a lot bigger?
I knew this was coming, and YES, I DO HAVE A PLACE FOR IT!! My LFS has agreed to take it when it gets to be about 6-8" and they will put it in their 300 display!


Active Member
Originally Posted by JayC
Lookin good Adam!!! Have to agree I like the aquascaping!!! Havent talked to you in awhile. How you been doing?
Thanks Josh! I have gotten several comments on the aquascaping---guess I did a good job! (pat on back) LOL! I have been doing fine, I have had a lot going on. Football, swimming, school plays, family, friends, dog, TANK, lots of stuff! How you been?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Space_Geek
I knew this was coming, and YES, I DO HAVE A PLACE FOR IT!! My LFS has agreed to take it when it gets to be about 6-8" and they will put it in their 300 display!
haha thanks. that is all i wanted to know. i wasnt flaming or anything, just wondering.
and yes puffer, of all people...... oh, and PS; please use periods, or at least commas.
i do like the aquascaping though. very nice!


Active Member
Yea me too. Glad to hear you been doing good! What else are you planning on adding fish wise? And did you ever get the mh lights?


Active Member
All yea I just ordered me a hippo tang from drs... Cant wait to get it. Do you think I should quarantine it? and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!


Active Member
Merry Christmas to you too Josh! And, honestly, I am still debating on what I want to put in the tank. And NO, I did not get the lights...:( My mom sounded serious about getting them, but she obviously didnt. Oh well...guess I gotta buy some PC's with my own money.


Active Member
Dont feel bad. My mom or dad wont get me them either. I was thinking about doing that. Know I will. How do you setup a quarantine tank? I have an old 10 gal I can use for one. You get anything for your aquarium today?


Active Member
Originally Posted by JayC
Dont feel bad. My mom or dad wont get me them either. I was thinking about doing that. Know I will. How do you setup a quarantine tank? I have an old 10 gal I can use for one. You get anything for your aquarium today?
Well, but you already have great lights! If you do get better lights, name me a price on your current lights. I did not get anything for my tank today, but I did get SOME money, so I will be getting a few more things for my tank. To set up a QT, do a water change and instead of draining into a bucket, drain into the old 10 gallon of yours. Then take a couple SMALL pieces of rock into the QT. DO NOT use any substrate in the QT...and BAM! Quarantine tank!


Active Member
Why dont you get some? They were'nt that expensive. Cant wait to see what you end up getting. Olkay I think I'll get it already tomarrow so it'll be ready when my hippo gets here. How long should I leave it in there? And will an old hob filter work?
P.S. I started a new thread with an update on my tank. Check it out, I could use some of your aquascaping tips! lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by JayC
Why dont you get some? They were'nt that expensive. Cant wait to see what you end up getting. Olkay I think I'll get it already tomarrow so it'll be ready when my hippo gets here. How long should I leave it in there? And will an old hob filter work?
P.S. I started a new thread with an update on my tank. Check it out, I could use some of your aquascaping tips! lol
Well, I have no source of income anymore. I was just subbing for a friend on the paper route. The only money I have is from Christmas, and thats only 50 bucks. I would leave it in the QT for two weeks. If it looks good then, put it in the display, if it looks even kinda sick, leave it in for another 2 weeks and treat it. Yes, an old HOB filter will work just fine, and I will look at your new thread!


Active Member
Well that sucks, but this hobby is very expensive. I dont really have a job either. I mow grass during the summer at my church. But thats just during the summer. I cant wait til I get a real job though!!
Thanks for the info. I think I'll set it up tomarrow. I'm suppose to get it on Thurs. I also ordered some more stuff, because they had free shipping on orders over $125. Besides the hippo I ordered a fire shrimp, bubble anenome, some super colored zoos, and some more different type of snails. I cant wait til it comes!!!
Talk to ya later,


Active Member
Originally Posted by JayC
Well that sucks, but this hobby is very expensive. I dont really have a job either. I mow grass during the summer at my church. But thats just during the summer. I cant wait til I get a real job though!!
Thanks for the info. I think I'll set it up tomarrow. I'm suppose to get it on Thurs. I also ordered some more stuff, because they had free shipping on orders over $125. Besides the hippo I ordered a fire shrimp, bubble anenome, some super colored zoos, and some more different type of snails. I cant wait til it comes!!!
Talk to ya later,
So how'd you pay for the order you just got? I want pics when they come! I think I will just throw another fluorescent strip of light on my tank for a total of 4 bulbs, 160 watts, and 3 watts a gallon. Thats enough for softies and thats really all I want to do. Let me know how your zoos look...I may pay for some frags, or trade.


Active Member
Christmas!!! lol And trust me I'll take lots of pics when it gets here!! I think I'm going to try to setup my quarantine tank up today. Is it olkay if I dont have a light for it? Or do I need one? When do you go back to school? I go back next Mon.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JayC
Christmas!!! lol And trust me I'll take lots of pics when it gets here!! I think I'm going to try to setup my quarantine tank up today. Is it olkay if I dont have a light for it? Or do I need one? When do you go back to school? I go back next Mon.
Sweet! When is it supposed to arrive? I would set up the QT as soon as you can. You dont need a light. I go back to school on the 3rd, but I am not sure what day that is...I try not to think about it...LOL! BTW, I took a couple pics of my tank, and I FINALLY FIGURED OUT THE SETTINGS!!! YAY!! Now you can actually see my tank how I see it in person! Except, my mom has the cord, so I cant upload until tonight.


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Its suppose to get her Thurs. They are behind on shipping because of Christmas. Cant wait to see pics!! I still havent figured out the settings on our camera. Should I drip acclimate my stuff when It gets here? Do I need to drain a whole 10gal out of my main tank and put in the 10? Or will it be olkay to drain about 5 and make up for the rest with ro / salt water?