Updates on new SW tank



Originally posted by woodymdt
Yeah, especially if the hermits like the snails shell........
We've lost two snails to hermits who wanted their shell......

My only hope is that the snails I bought today are too small to appeal to the crabs. Got 2 Electric Blue Hermits, 3 Bumble Bee Snails, and 3 Astreas. Also got a tank bred False Percula (very small one, about 1-1/4", I think) and a small (<1") Yellow Clown Goby.
IOW, I went from scared to buy anything to probably screwing it up.


Well, the button polyps are doing ok, but the torch coral seems to be dead, or close to it.....
Some suggestions I've gotten suggest that the LFS might not have cared for it very well.
I'm planned to do tank tests tomorrow to check the readings and make sure things are still on the up and up.
Oh, we move the LR around a bit this afternoon...the Mrs didn't like how a few rocks were close to the front of the tank, so I'll take some pictures tomorrow to show you how things look now.
Tomorrow we're going to get the wood to frame the cabinet that will hold the tank, and get that put together.
Biggest challenge will be moving the tank out of the way so we can actually build the cabinet....that's a heavy dude with all the water and rock.


Wow, Woody -- sorry about the torch coral. Do, please, post some pix of the new woodwork when you get it done and have a chance!
As for me, I went mildly insane today. More and more, I've been realizing that I really don't have enough light for the corals I want to add. Then, yesterday, when I went to the LFS to get the hermits & snails, I saw (and fell in love with) a nano cube. It was EXACTLY what I was looking for when I first went shopping. Dunno how I missed it then, given that they're so popular. Anyway, the good news is that my son and his family need a new tank to accommodate their rapidly growing oscar, so I can bequeathe this 12-gallon one to them -- sans the protein skimmer, of course.
This afternoon, I returned the bumble bee snails, which turned out to be bad boys -- one of 'em promptly ate one of my cute little baby feather dusters -- and bought a 24-gallon nano cube. I'll set it up and transfer the critters tomorrow, which will be pretty much the equivalent of doing a 50% water change. Will post some pix when the deed is done.


Ok, 03/26/05...I did tank readings...
Salinity is 1.028. I'm going to add some freshwater to bring that down a bit.
Ammonia and Nitrates are a 0
Nitrites are a 5ppm
PH is right at 8.0
I think I should bring that up just a tad.
Things are looking ok. We went to our LFS today and got a small rock with some mushrooms on it, and a small batch of alvipora?? It looked nice and the Mrs. wanted to bring it home...
Here are some current pics with the change in rock placements.


New Member
Hey Woody,
The tank look great. I have been reading this thread as it has progressed and that looks awsome. I am really new to this hobby and I have a 29 gallon tank that I started about 3 weeks ago. I am about ready to add the first inhabitants here later this coming week. The first inhabitants are going to be a few snails and crabs to start cleaning up all the crap that has been building up in my tank. I'll post a few pictures later and more info about my tank.


Wow, both of your tanks look FANTASTIC!!! Woody, I'm glad to see your mushrooms finally settled in...
I spent the entire day switching over my vertical 12g to the 24g nanocube. What a job! Hopefully, though, I didn't kill anyone. Everybody seems reasonably happy. :joy:
Here's a picture of the end result:


Active Member
you make me so jealous Di. ive been wanting to get a 12 gallon cube to replace my 10 gallon freshwater tank on my dresser for a while now. good luck with it!