Upgrading my 65 gallon Reef - Sump/fuge


Active Member
A little update, everything is doing fine in the totes, I thought i might have everything done by this weekend but I have to go away for a couple of days. I hope everything will be fine till I get back, smeone will be here to keep an eye on things. Excited about finishing this upgrade finally and getting a fuzzy dwarf for the 40 breeder. I like the look of the LED's i saw on someone's thread and might consider it for the lion tank side. Got all the sand out of the 65 and cleaned it up really nice - ready to drill it soon and install the internal overflow. Stay tuned - things will be moving soon.


Active Member
I am back from Buffalo - I got my ATO this weekend, hopefully tomorrow night I drill the tank out and get things going, this is dragging out too long. I am almost feeling like I don't have a saltwater tank anymore now that everything is in the totes. I am really tired from this weekends competition.


Active Member
Finally I have the 65 gallon tank drilled I am going to paint the back black tonight, I can a can of black Fusion Krylon and i will use a sponge roller. Have to do a little work to the top of the stand another coat of latex paint and this time I will seal it with polyurethane.


Active Member
JFYI sponge rollers do not work well with Krylon paint, I switched to a regular cloth roller and it makes a huge difference. L&L


Active Member
If I was painting it in the shop i would definately use a spray can - but i decided to try the liquid stuff in a can and do it in the house. It is getting there maybe two more coats, here are a few pictures.


Well-Known Member
Looks good so far. Do you think you are going to like the black? Debating on whether to paint mine or try a rock wall.


Active Member
I have black on my planted tank and I really like it. It will be covered in coraline in a few years anyways.


Active Member
Well I am starting to think ahead a little bit, I want to add a few more fish. This is what I have now:
2 Osc Clowns
2 Chromis
2 Bangaii - might leave them out of the reef and have them for the horse tank, they are definitely a breeding pair - might have some luck with the fry in a quieter horse tank
1 bi colored blennie
Would like to add another blennie - LMB or any other suggestions
I like the idea about the flasher wrasse
Eventually would like to get a mandarin dragonet
I like the anthias I saw in Gemmy's post
I am definitely setting up a QT - I have an extra 30 gallon that I think will work fine, it will be set up in the basement.
Thanks for now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Al&Burke http:///forum/thread/383256/upgrading-my-65-gallon-reef-sump-fuge/200#post_3369208
Well I am starting to think ahead a little bit, I want to add a few more fish. This is what I have now:
2 Osc Clowns
2 Chromis
2 Bangaii - might leave them out of the reef and have them for the horse tank, they are definitely a breeding pair - might have some luck with the fry in a quieter horse tank
1 bi colored blennie
Would like to add another blennie - LMB or any other suggestions
I like the idea about the flasher wrasse
Eventually would like to get a mandarin dragonet
I like the anthias I saw in Gemmy's post
I am definitely setting up a QT - I have an extra 30 gallon that I think will work fine, it will be set up in the basement.
Thanks for now.
I love LMB's so I vote for that. Flasher wrasses are pretty neat, but I really like the anthias (obviously). I think it would be neat to have a harem of anthias in the tank, especially if you decide to leave the bangaii out. I think the stocklist is missing a bigger fish, like an angel fish (I know you might be hesitant after the last one).


Active Member
Tank is painted and the internal overflow is installed, I have a day off tomorrow hope to get some plumbing done. Here is a picture.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, Al. Yep, that's my fish. She's not very easy to photograph either lol. Overflow looks nice, bud. The cave is to cool.