What can we do to up the numbers?


Active Member
I think people have to also remember that some folks do things differently and that doesn't make them wrong. It may go against everything you know, heard and experienced but if that someone also has experience in their back pocket... you have to respect that and say "IMO" or "IME" instead of "no, it can't be done. This is probably more for the old forum farts.... much like myself (just not on this forum). But every forum has their "way" and we have to be careful not to dismiss people or you loose valuable information and experience.


why do people change the rock work in there tanks?
so they are not looking at the same thing over and over.
but sometimes you arrange the rock back how you had it from the start.
I think SWF should have another photo contest.
I would like not to c the same pic for small med and large when it comes to coral and fish it should be a diffrent pic.
just my .02


Active Member
IMHO it's a shift in the demographic that visit 'forums' as a whole as Cranberry stated. I regularly visit a couple different genres of forums, auto, r/c, fish, and the slow down @ SWF is very similar to slower post counts at my other boards.
As long as we're being 100% honest, and I hate to be negative-nancy, but let me throw this out there, the shift is happening because of a 'different' mentally of newer members. There seems to be a lack of members that 'want to become experts.' It's better described on cars, people don't want to learn how their engine works, that just want to know how to fix their car's problem.
In SWF terms, I guess it's like people just want to know how to keep their Hippo tangs and clownfish well-enough. They don't want to say learn about how the actual collection process happens, the different families of fish, how fish classification happens, etc. Christ I think I'm one of the last ones that actually posts the scientific name of fish here anymore.
They also aren't interested in the same topics as the experts. Some really rare fish that might excite an expert, they view the same fish as pretentious because of how much it costs. Some people are just what to know if this light fixture is good enough to keep clams/SPS, they don't want to learn the in's and out of lumen readings, photo periods, etc.
The radio control hobby went through this a couple years ago. Before, all of the hobby grade cars, you basically had to know how to turn a wrench fairly well, otherwise the hobby was way over your head. Then came ready to run cars, out of the box ready to go. Anyone go buy a hobby grade r/c car. Then they turn to the boards and just want to know how to fix their car when it breaks. They don't want to learn about how or why it did.
And then these constant mundane (if I can use that w/o being to harsh) questions drive out the expert/old timers who get bored. Same thing with keeping saltwater fish now. Before, you either were an expert or became one because of the learning curve. Nowadays, people just want a reef tank. They don't want to learn everything there is about it.

al mc

Active Member
I think AquaKnight makes an excellent point with the -- analogy( see the letters R and C were automatically taken out because their mere useage would cause people to leave even though it is not the competotors site that it references). (of course I like it because it reinforces my point
. That would be that people hop on with a specific 'how do I fix my ______problem' by posting a quick question and then leave instead of researching it a bit in the archives first where they will realize there is a wealth of info.
On a lighter note: Cranberry..the post about 'where did everyone go' on another site is PEZ.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Al Mc
On a lighter note: Cranberry..the post about 'where did everyone go' on another site is PEZ.....
Ummm... nope, not sure what site you are referring to, but I don't think he (PEZ) is a member of my local club (Southern California). That would be a heck of a long way to come for a frag swap.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
yotn, swa has been down for months.
I hear you I am a member of some OTR trucking forums and you think SWF keepers complain YOU have not seen anything. See how the drivers complain about dispatchers Car drivers other dirvers Shippers recivers DOT officers Truck Stops heck you name it they will scream about it. Even their traffic is down right now.
As to what is wrong with SWF one is we have had a few members leave on their own accord over HOW they felt they were treated Jenthebugg comes to mind and a few others. Also the experiacned hands here need to REMEMBER this we all were ROOKIES at SWF keeping and made mistakes and learned from them. So if a newbie makes a mistake do not blast him/her out of the water it is called share our knowledge and help them. How are we going to expand this hobby if we do not teach the new ones getting into it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
So here is the question -
One of the issues with those forums was that there were people who were running side businesses. It was felt there were people who ONLY used that forum. So if they left because of this, does it prove the point? That they were mostly using just that forum, and so it didn't necessarily contribute to the overall board? Just a thought...I am suspicious of the idea that so many "regular" people left simply because two forums - that were special interest - were removed. By regular I mean people who were not running any sort of high turnover frag or side business.
I am interested in understanding more on the impact of removing those forums, beyond just saying to bring them back.
and you consider the people who don't even have a tank, but post in the aquarium all day good contributors to the board?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Perhaps we should not concentrate on the members who left but rather on getting new members to join. I for one have asked people in my LFS if they have heard of the site. Most said yes but I did not follow up with “are you a member” getting feed back from people who have visited but not joined IMO is a step in the right direction in understand why they have not joined


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
And then these constant mundane (if I can use that w/o being to harsh) questions drive out the expert/old timers who get bored. Same thing with keeping saltwater fish now. Before, you either were an expert or became one because of the learning curve. Nowadays, people just want a reef tank. They don't want to learn everything there is about it.
You have a good point. Every once in a while Florida Joe will start an absolutely amazing thread that isn't a replica of something that has already been done and I would think to myself, "this thread is going to be swarmed with people and discussion and it is going to be awesome." But then nobody posts on it because it isn't "important" or "necessary" knowledge. How do you treat ich? Well you use hyposalinity. How does ich reproduce? Well that isn't important is it?
Originally Posted by Al Mc

On a lighter note: Cranberry..the post about 'where did everyone go' on another site is PEZ.....
I am only a member of one other forum and my post count there is at around 10...I don't recall starting a thread called "Where did everyone go" on another site. Is there another PEZenfuego out there? I would hope not, one is too much as it is...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ironeagle2006
Also the experiacned hands here need to REMEMBER this we all were ROOKIES at SWF keeping and made mistakes and learned from them. So if a newbie makes a mistake do not blast him/her out of the water it is called share our knowledge and help them. How are we going to expand this hobby if we do not teach the new ones getting into it.
We must remember that it's not all one sided as well. Sure, a noob shouldn't be blasted..... nor should they think they are know-it-alls and act as such. Someone said it above, the new generation wants the "how", not the "why". Those of us who started before forums were born had to try and figure out the why before we could get to a how. And those of us that can say that... well, we're still here after all these years and changes so what we say should hold some water.
I've learned a lot through my successes... I've learned even more from my mistakes.


the posts went when the classifieds went for me. I need to ask very few questions so when the classifieds went the traffic went. not to sound rude
but a lot of the people that know everything are not going to come here just to answer questions. we need eye candy to get us in the door once we are here we will answer questions and as far as business's selling we all know who they were so boot them not all of us


I think the classified section went out right after I joined, so I have no clue about it....I will say I have only been in SW 11 months, and since I found SWF, this is where I have learned the most...yeah I have books, google and all that....BUT IMO the real life experiences of others have taught me more than the research. I still have A LOT more to learn....I, like Cranberry (and many others), have also learned through successes, and some very COSTLY mistakes....
I read post after post, even if it has nothing to do with me, because ONE day it may. (and has) AND also by reading all these posts, I can learn more, and maybe help someone else out.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Do away with the rules and regs.Kids dont buy stuff parents and adults do.I couldnt disagree more when i hear about this being a family friendly board,at least with the posts that are allowed on this forum.
Also just because this is a business you are aware people are going to buy where they want not just here no matter what the rules are.Its all about price and quality or specific items and brands.


Active Member
I would ask all of you who are concerned about the tone -
Deploy yourselves to where you see the problem, and try to counter it. If you see examples, please PM mods to look. Don't escalate an issue by pointing out if someone is a jerk. Basically don't fight fire with fire. Counter it by ignoring it and providing a positive answer or feedback. There are some people who hide behind a screen name and are rude - much moreso than in real life.
Thanks for your help and input.
Keep it coming!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Do away with the rules and regs.Kids dont buy stuff parents and adults do.I couldnt disagree more when i hear about this being a family friendly board,at least with the posts that are allowed on this forum.
Also just because this is a business you are aware people are going to buy where they want not just here no matter what the rules are.Its all about price and quality or specific items and brands.
I see your point and I can agree to a certain degree. However, where is the line drawn? When is it too much? I have seen many boards that are virtually rule-free where the members treat each other terribly and it goes unregulated. I would hate to see these forums turn into something like that.
As Ophiura said, keep the suggestions and feedback coming!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Do away with the rules and regs.Kids dont buy stuff parents and adults do.I couldnt disagree more when i hear about this being a family friendly board,at least with the posts that are allowed on this forum.
Also just because this is a business you are aware people are going to buy where they want not just here no matter what the rules are.Its all about price and quality or specific items and brands.
I took advantage of the buy/sell/trade forums twice
Kids DO buy stuff.


Staff member
The rules are not leaving, and they really are not unreasonable either. Sometimes you may not like the way the rules touch you personally. If you are bothered enough, then PM the mod who has offended you and try to work it out, or contact SWF. That is not an invitation to complain about every little irritant. This is a community, and sometimes we may get on each others nerves.
New hobbyists are welcome here, and have always been able to find a home at SWF. I'd encourage everyone to let us know if someone is being heavy handed with any member here.
Perhaps another forum to cater to new hobbyists and new members? An info-forum, or maybe a chat area?