What do you do for a living?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Noah's Nemo
The funny thing is there are alot of men who fear the fact of a women making more ,or they just won't admit to their friends they wish there wife did...I have a few friends who swear i'm nuts and say they have to always make more, even if its a penny..Then they say go wash the dishes now boy..I just laugh and say enjoy welding in that 110+ degree shop today,i've been out of it for about 5 years now and haven't looked back

Yeah man, I don't weld, but I'm working at a fab yard, you get that torch going, with your protective gear, sitting on a barge, in the sun, for 8-10 hours a day you're talking 120+ in some cases.


Active Member
Kindergarten Cop quote ... of course it sounds great when Arnold says it.
"Who is your daddy, and what does he do?"


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
If that is a reference to Firefly, you just became the coolest person ever.

I'm the IT Manager for a mid sized manufacturing company that makes parts for the elevator industry and I have my own, part time, business as a state licensed Home Inspector.


Active Member
My wife didn't work for the first 15 years we were married-her choice. Now she makes quite a bit more than me. I wish she didn't have to work (and now she wishes that too), but it sure took alot of pressure off me and my dang back. People at her job still can't believe it is her first "real" job cause she is so good as a quality manager for the second largest medicare provider. I ain't jealous, I'm proud as !@#*.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Terrible pay and even worse benefits.
Not really, chicks love jerks, they have something to fix. I played the nice guy all through high school. Didn't get anywhere, said screw it, It isn't worth the effort. Literally 2 months later I met my wife... Been giving her a hard time ever since.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
........I do IT ALL....... ..seems like I do everything ......Did I mention that I DO IT ALL.....LOL....... and do all.......

Hmmmmm......sound like my kind of girl!!!

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Did I mention that I DO IT ALL.....LOL..
boy don't i know it
you have not lived until you have taken a trip around the world with meowzer